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Business Services

In a context of shortage of labor and in a perspective of concern for productivity, school boards share the challenge of ensuring the development and the productivity of the workforce in employment. This is why the education network must respond to the needs of companies and employees by offering them continuous training in the form of a professional study certificate (AEP) or even short-term training either through services offered to companies in person or online.

Under section 255 of the Education Act, each school board is authorized to offer such services. Each can contribute, through workforce training activities, technical assistance to businesses and information, development and implementation of technological innovation projects, implementation of new technologies and their diffusion, as well as regional development.

English-language school boards in Quebec need to take their place in the business services sector, since many are small and without development officers and all located over a very large territory, the entire province.


255. A school board may

(1 through workforce training, technical assistance to enterprises and informational activities, contribute to the development and realization of technological innovation projects, to the implementation and dissemination of new technology and to regional development;
(2 provide cultural, social, sports, scientific or community services;
(3 take part, in keeping with Québec policy on Canadian intergovernmental affairs and international affairs, in the development and implementation of external cooperation programs in the fields under its jurisdiction;
(4 collaborate with government departments and agencies and any other partners to carry out specific agreements for the implementation of regional priorities, in particular by adapting its activities to regional characteristics and by paying a financial contribution.
The main object of the exercise of such powers shall not be the operation of a commercial enterprise.