PROCEDE offers a wide variety of Workshops to its educational community. These can be geared for Pedagogical Days and Staff Meetings (1 to 1,5 hours), Pedagogical Days (1.5 to 3 hours) or General and Informal meetings.
For information and inquiries, please contact Robin Long at
PROCEDE offers of service for
Applying to be the trade resource centre for the CEN

Understand the mission and mandate for the Centre for Expertise Network, what this status entails for the centre, the liaison teacher and the network, and what support will be given, including how to fill out the application form.
This is a 45-minute workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Discover applied tech tools in teaching

Using existing activities incorporating tech tools, we explore the andragogical use and encourage connections to other tools and teaching situations. We create a communal brain dump of all the tools seen and at the end, teachers sign up to play with the tools more. A follow up workshop where teachers
For: Pedagogical days
Discover your Google Application for Education (GAFE) Enterprise Plus account

An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning:
learn about new features
create or modify teaching and learning activities to use the tools
troubleshoot the tool.
This is a 2-hour workshop
For: Pedagogical days
DIY Workshops series

Live step by step follow along to make the tool recorded and made available
UDL in VT with a student research activity using slides or ppt
UDL in VT students using the camera and image edit function to self assess their work
SAMR in VT using an existing image-labeling activity
For: Pedagogical days
Explaining PROCEDE services, Global perspective

An interactive, participatory workshop where VT actors can discover PROCEDE and the many possibilities of support for vocational training. The goal of the activity is to familiarize everyone with what PROCEDE does, how it can help you, meet the team and create a personal resource tool.
This is a 1-hour
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Explaining PROCEDE services, VT specific

PROCEDE services for the Voc sector. Given as an interactive, exploratory activity workshop.
This is a 30-45 minute workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days, General and informal meetings
Google for Education Plus: Google Meet - Understanding and exploring the new features

An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning about
meet chat
breakout rooms
This is a 1-hour workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
How to enhance common VT teaching strategies

Participatory workshop where we explore how to take commonly used teaching strategy in VT and using specific examples, add elements to encourage student participation and information retention.
This is a 1-hour workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Learn about Smart TV local and Lumio online platform

Byte-sized learning capsules on how to use the different features and in what teaching context. Innovative learning situation with lots of participation!
These are 15-30 minutes each.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Learning styles activity

The learning styles activity allows staff to identify which of the 3-learning style(s) they are by taking a quick quiz. They apply those criteria to their program and explain to the group how they would change their teaching approach to match the 3 styles. At the end, an exit ticket
For: Pedagogical days
Reading: from the classroom to the workplace

Explicit reading instruction and tools to use in class.
Three situations: 3 different student profiles. Teachers must discuss how to help those 3 students. Then, we go over the tools and talk about how to use them in class. Reading strategies and tools to incorporate in class.
This is a 1 to 3-hour
For: Pedagogical days
Social Media in Trades

How to incorporate a digital portfolio of learning on social media and leverage it for future trade integration and life-long learning mindset.
This is a 1-hour workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Tech tools in action

An interactive, participatory workshop using tech to solve a teaching problem
lack of student engagement online – slides or ppt
student self-assessment – video capture with Screencastify
student support for autonomous projects – whiteboard
This a 1-hour workshop.
For: Staff meetings, Pedagogical days
Voc Talk café by Après-cours

The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat live about teaching a trade in today’s world. Originally launched in November 2021, the Voc Talk Café is now brought to you, on Zoom, by VT.PROCEDE and RÉCIT VT in collaboration with les Après-cours.
For: General and informal meetings
Recommended by Robin Long, Marc Vézina

Discover and sign up for the VT social media site, designed to encourage communication and sharing between tradespeople teaching in Quebec. An interactive, participatory workshop to navigate and contribute to
This is a 2-hour workshop.
For: Pedagogical days