AGE Recommended Resources
Alexandrie FGA
This is where you can share and find educational material and tools created for and by education personnel from Adult General Education. Alexandria FGA’s first priority is to help teachers implement the new programs of study. The more you share, the more Alexandria grows! Ignite your inspiration!
Anglophone ApresCours Community

The EPC & RECIT teams have teamed up to offer teachers an opportunity to chat with one another in subject specific groups.
Anglophone Moodle Community

This Moodle page allows the Anglophone community to share ideas, questions, and resources related to their subject or to Adult Education in general.
DevPro PD Flipped

The Flipped Consultant/DevPro channel is where the RECIT AGE team and other contributors share videos that they use in various workshops to provide self-directed professional development for the AGE community. The DevPro project videos are hosted on this channel and are created by pedagogical consultants and lead teachers from across Quebec.
English Pedagogical Consultants (EPC)
The English Pedagogical Consultants working group helps coordinate support for adult education teachers within the nine English school boards of Québec. This website provides a space to build our collective knowledge and share resources amongst our professional learning community.
Équipe-Choc - AGE Community

L’Équipe Choc – Pedagogical is a team of consultants mandated to support the anglophone FGA network. They are responsible for the development, implementation and assistance in production of content, curriculum and evaluation tools. Their expertise spans several academic disciplines.
Their website features resources that are aligned with the Quebec Diversified Education Program and provides important information (professional development opportunities, updates on services from partners, etc.) through their monthly Newsletter.
Équipe-Choc Service Request

This form was created in order for our partners to make a service request. Our services include workshops and training sessions, support in implementation of curriculum, content development and assistance with creation of evaluation tools, etc
Julie Robitaille

Pedagogical consultant in Languages and Social Science for L’Équipe Choc.
Mark Newton

Coordinator of the Business Solutions Group, responsible for RAC, STB, continuing education marketing and testing.
Micheline Ammar

Pedagogical consultant in Math and Science for L’Équipe Choc.
Miriam Furfaro

Miriam Furfaro, Conseillère en formation scolaire, Responsable du SARCA National – English Sector
Services éducatifs aux adultes, Centre de services scolaire des Mille‐Îles
PD Mosaic is an online professional development platform curated by the consultants of the RECIT Provincial Service to General Adult Education at the Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Îles. The content is created in collaboration with diverse stakeholders in education from across Quebec; in particular, with our colleagues at the RECIT Provincial and Regional services to General Adult Education.
Project RISE

With more and more centres using digital tools and environments, the RECIT AGE team is looking to support and accompany teachers in their new endeavours. Project RISE, which stands for Resources for Independent Student Engagement, brings teachers together to build digital resources for students in order to develop their subject-specific competencies and autonomy.
Sandra Leggett

Sandra Leggett
Education Consultant
RÉCIT AGE Adult Education