Lester B. Pearson School Board
The Lester B. Pearson School Board works with its community to provide a healthy, safe, respectful and inclusive learning environment in which there is flexibility for all students to reach their full potential.; the Lester B. Pearson School Board prepares individuals to assume their roles as responsible, competent and successful citizens who are capable of working cooperatively within an ever-changing society.; The Lester B. Pearson School Board measures its actions and decisions against the core values stated in the Lester B. Pearson School Board Vision Statement.
Org | Unit | RegionOrder | Grouping | Info | OrgFilt | UnitFilt | CEN | CENNo | ||||||||
Order | Org | Sort | Unit | RegionOrder | Region/Dept | Level | Grouping | Admin Order | Title | Name | Info | Info | OrgFilt | UnitFilt | CEN | CENNo |
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 1 | 1 | Administration | President | Angela Spagnolo | ASpagnolo@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | ||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 1 | 2 | Administration | Treasurer | Mario Argiropoulos | MArgiropoulos@emsb.qc.ca | MArgiropoulos@emsb.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | ||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | 2 | Administration | Past President | Chantal Martin | chmartin@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | ||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/procedelifelonglearning/ | https://www.facebook.com/procedelifelonglearning/ | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | ||||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://procede.ca | https://procede.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/procede-training/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/procede-training/ | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/procede-training/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/procede-training/ | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | PROCEDE Provincial | 4 | Professionals | CERAC | Mark Newton | mnewton02@lbpsb.qc.ca | mnewton02@lbpsb.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | PROCEDE Provincial | 4 | Professionals | PROCEDE Consultant | Jean Bouchard | lesbouchard@hotmail.com | lesbouchard@hotmail.com | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | Provincial VT | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant, Provincial vocational education | Robin Long | rlong@procede.ca | rlong@procede.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FGA Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant, Math and Science, Équipe-Choc FGA | Micheline Ammar | micheline.ammar@cssmi.qc.ca | micheline.ammar@cssmi.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FGA Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Education consultant, RÉCIT AGE Provincial Service. | Giovanna Salvagio | Giovanna.Salvagio@cssmi.qc.ca | Giovanna.Salvagio@cssmi.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FGA Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical consultant FGA, Languages and Social Science, Équipe-Choc. | Julie Robitaille | Julie.Robitaille.ext@cssmi.qc.ca | Julie.Robitaille.ext@cssmi.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FGA Regional | 4 | Professionals | RÉCIT Adult General Education | Paulette Cake | PCake@rsb.qc.ca | PCake@rsb.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FP Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant , RÉCIT Regional Service for Vocational Education for Vocational Education. eMail: | James Burn | jburn@rsb.qc.ca | jburn@rsb.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT FP Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant, RÉCIT Regional Service for Vocational Education | Marc Vézina | marc.vezina@recit.qc.ca | marc.vezina@recit.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Orthopédagogue, Accompagnement National, Services Éducatifs Complémentaires FGA-FP | Karine Jacques | Karine.Jacques@cssmi.qc.ca | Karine.Jacques@cssmi.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | RECIT Provincial | 4 | Professionals | Orthopédagogue, | Lucie Tremblay | lucie.tremblay@cssmi.qc.ca | lucie.tremblay@cssmi.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | Direction du soutien au réseau éducatif anglophone | 4 | Professionals | Education Specialist | Alexander Andreoli | Alexander.Andreoli@education.gouv.qc.ca | Alexander.Andreoli@education.gouv.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
1 | PROCEDE | 9 | 5 | Center of Expertise Network | 5 | Support Staff | PROCEDE Administrative Assistant | Shelley Smythe | ssmythe@nfsb.qc.ca | ssmythe@nfsb.qc.ca | PROCEDE | 0 | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Stephen Pigeon | stephen.pigeon@cqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 2046 chemin Saint-Louis | 2046 chemin Saint-Louis | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Quebec, Qc G1T 1P4 | Quebec, Qc G1T 1P4 | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/CQSB.CSCQ/ | https://www.facebook.com/CQSB.CSCQ/ | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-682-5891 | 418-682-5891 | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-688-8730/ 1-800-249-5573 | 418-688-8730/ 1-800-249-5573 | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/CQSB | https://twitter.com/CQSB | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/ | http://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/ | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrrGCzYA9YCWikix-88neg/featured | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXrrGCzYA9YCWikix-88neg/featured | Central Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Director of Educational Services | Stephane Lagacé | stephane.lagace@cqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Central Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Adult | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/adult-general-education/eastern-quebec-learning-center | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/adult-general-education/eastern-quebec-learning-center | Central Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Vocational | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/vocational-training/eastern-quebec-learning-centre | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/vocational-training/eastern-quebec-learning-centre | Central Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Frédérick Grégoire | frederick.gregoire@cqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 3005 William-Stuart | 3005 William-Stuart | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | Quebec, Qc. G1W 1V4 | Quebec, Qc. G1W 1V4 | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/EasternQuebec/ | https://www.facebook.com/EasternQuebec/ | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-654-3670 | 418-654-3670 | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-654-0537 | 418-654-0537 | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/QcEastern | https://twitter.com/QcEastern | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.easternquebec.ca/fr | https://www.easternquebec.ca/fr | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdO58kyK-DZrW07OhFz5tCg | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdO58kyK-DZrW07OhFz5tCg | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | ||||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor and Admissions | Sylvie Piché | sylvie.piche@cqsb.qc.ca | sylvie.piche@cqsb.qc.ca | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | SARCA, Loans and Bursaries | Joyce Djamen | cindy.joyce.djamen@cqsb.qc.ca | cindy.joyce.djamen@cqsb.qc.ca | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Admissions Secretary | Orlando Pimentel | orlando.pimentel@cqsb.qc.ca | orlando.pimentel@cqsb.qc.ca | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Sophie Minville | sophie.minville@cqsb.qc.ca | sophie.minville@cqsb.qc.ca | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||
2 | Central Quebec School Board | 9 | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | secretary | Valerie Stucki | valerie-gwennaelle.stucki@cqsb.qc.ca | valerie-gwennaelle.stucki@cqsb.qc.ca | Central Quebec School Board | Eastern Quebec Learning Centre | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Abraham Jolly | ajolly@cscree.qc.ca | 0 | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 203 Main Street | 203 Main Street | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Mistissini, Qc. G0W 1C0 | Mistissini, Qc. G0W 1C0 | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/CreeSchoolBd/ | https://www.facebook.com/CreeSchoolBd/ | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-923-2072 | 418-923-2072 | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-923-2764 | 418-923-2764 | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/CreeSchoolBoard | https://twitter.com/CreeSchoolBoard | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/web/cscq/home | https://www.cqsb.qc.ca/en/web/cscq/home | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | coordinates | Website | https://www.EeyouEducation.ca | https://www.EeyouEducation.ca | Cree School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.cscree.qc.ca/en/saes/about-the-saes | https://www.cscree.qc.ca/en/saes/about-the-saes | Cree School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | 0 | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator, AD Service | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | ||||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator, Adult Education | Matthew Iserhoff | miserhoff@cscree.qc.ca | miserhoff@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator, VT | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | ||||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director | Pierre Desjardins | pdesjardins@cscree.qc.ca | 0 | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Resident Manager | Bianca Albert | balbert@cscree.qc.ca | balbert@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/SabtuanAdultEducation | https://www.facebook.com/SabtuanAdultEducation | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | |||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1 Elder David Neeposh Street | 1 Elder David Neeposh Street | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Waswanapi, Qc. J0Y 3C0 | Waswanapi, Qc. J0Y 3C0 | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-753-2640 | 819-753-2640 | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-753-4040 | 819-753-4040 | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant – GE | Pierre Demers | pdemers@cscree@qc.ca | pdemers@cscree@qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant – VT | Luc Collette | lcollette@cscree@qc.ca | lcollette@cscree@qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | ||||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Costal | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Lorna Spencer | lspencer@cscree.qc.ca | lspencer@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Costal | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Costal | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | Pamela House | phouse@cscree.qc.ca | phouse@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Costal | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Inland | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Judy Moar | jmoar@cscree.qc.ca | jmoar@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Inland | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Inland | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | Madeleine Nakogee | mnakogee@cscree.qc.ca | mnakogee@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Inland | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | ||||||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary | Diane Edwards | sabtuanadulted@cscree.qc.ca | sabtuanadulted@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Adult Education | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Nancy Mianscun | nmianscun@cscree.qc.ca | nmianscun@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Sabtuan Regional Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Costal | 5 | Chisasibi/ Whapmagoostui | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Roberta Neacappo | meacappo@cscree.qc.ca | meacappo@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Costal | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Costal | 5 | Waskaganish/ Nemaska | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Vance Bear | vbear@cscree.qc.ca | vbear@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Costal | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Costal | 5 | Wemindji/ Eastmain | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Rene Blackned | rblackned@cscree.qc.ca | rblackned@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Costal | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Inland | 5 | Mistissini/ Ouje-Bougoumou | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Annie N. Isherhoff | aisherhoff@cscree.qc.ca | aisherhoff@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Inland | 0 | ||
3 | Cree School Board | 9 | Inland | 5 | Waswanipi/ Washaw-sibi | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Marcel Martin | mmartin@cscree.qc.ca | mmartin@cscree.qc.ca | Cree School Board | Inland | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Denise Simoneau | denise.simoneau@essb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Jane Bradbury | jane.bradbury@essb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | Director of Finance | Suzanne Ward | suzanne.ward@essb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 40 Mountsorrel, Box 500 | 40 Mountsorrel, Box 500 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | New Carlisle, Qc G0C 1Z0 | New Carlisle, Qc G0C 1Z0 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/easternshores2016/ | https://www.facebook.com/easternshores2016/ | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-752-6447 | 418-752-6447 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-752-2247 | 418-752-2247 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.essb.qc.ca/ | https://www.essb.qc.ca/ | Eastern Shores School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director of Adult Ed and VT | Colin Henderson | colin.henderson@essb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director | Jane Bradbury | jane.bradbury@essb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Nikita Jean-Beliveau | nikita.jeanbeliveau@essb.qc.ca | nikita.jeanbeliveau@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | SARCA | Emilie Woods | emilie.woods@essb.qc.ca | emilie.woods@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Ped Consultant | Rachel Adams | rachel.adams@essb.qc.ca | rachel.adams@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | RAC-SAE | Zachary Cyr | zachary.cyr@essb.qc.ca | zachary.cyr@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Linda Woodman | linda.woodman@essb.qc.ca | linda.woodman@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Staff Assistant | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Lori-Ann Hayes | lori-ann.hayes@essb.qc.ca | lori-ann.hayes@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Center coordintor | Crystal Aubie | crystal.aubie@essb.qc.ca | crystal.aubie@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Lori-Ann Hayes | lori-ann.hayes@essb.qc.ca | lori-ann.hayes@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 2 | Administration | Center coordintor | Vicky Robertson | vicky.robertson@essb.qc.ca | vicky.robertson@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Center coordintor | Shauna Simpson | shauna.simpson@essb.qc.ca | shauna.simpson@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 448 Chemin Principal | 448 Chemin Principal | Eastern Shores School Board | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Grosse Isle, M.I., Qc. G4T 6A8 | Grosse Isle, M.I., Qc. G4T 6A8 | Eastern Shores School Board | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-985-2955 | 418-985-2955 | Eastern Shores School Board | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-985-2885 | 418-985-2885 | Eastern Shores School Board | Grosse Isle Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 2 Pacific Drive | 2 Pacific Drive | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Listuguj, QC G0C 2R0 | Listuguj, QC G0C 2R0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-788-1347 x 8002/ 1-888-988-5668 | 418-788-1347 x 8002/ 1-888-988-5668 | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 80 Gérard D. Lévesque | 80 Gérard D. Lévesque | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | New Carlisle, Qc. G0C 1Z0 | New Carlisle, Qc. G0C 1Z0 | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/1389067917776100/ | https://www.facebook.com/1389067917776100/ | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-368-2101 | 418-368-2101 | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-368-3376/1-877-668-3376 | 418-368-3376/1-877-668-3376 | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 530 Brochu Avenue | 530 Brochu Avenue | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Sept-Îles, Qc. G4R 2X3 | Sept-Îles, Qc. G4R 2X3 | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | ||||
4 | eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/Northern-Lights-Adult-Education-and-Vocational-Center-103367684932687 | https://www.facebook.com/Northern-Lights-Adult-Education-and-Vocational-Center-103367684932687 | eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-962-9601 | 418-962-9601 | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-968-8412/1-866-968-8412 | 418-968-8412/1-866-968-8412 | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 584 Wakeham | 584 Wakeham | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Gaspé, Qc. G4X 2A1 | Gaspé, Qc. G4X 2A1 | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/wavegaspe/ | https://www.facebook.com/wavegaspe/ | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-368-2101 | 418-368-2101 | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-368-3376/1-877-668-3376 | 418-368-3376/1-877-668-3376 | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Louise Chenier | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Listuguj Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Joan Bourgaize | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | New Carlisle Adult and Vocational Centre - The Anchor | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Vacant | 0 | Eastern Shores School Board | Sept-Îles - Northern Lights | 0 | ||||
4 | Eastern Shores School Board | 9 | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Trina McDonald | trina.mcdonald@essb.qc.ca | trina.mcdonald@essb.qc.ca | Eastern Shores School Board | Wakeham Adult and Vocational Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Michel Soucy | dg@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | Director of Financial Services | Sophie Leduc | leducs@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 340 Saint-Jean Bosco | 340 Saint-Jean Bosco | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Magog, Qc. J1X 1K9 | Magog, Qc. J1X 1K9 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/ETSB2 | https://www.facebook.com/ETSB2 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-868-2286 | 819-868-2286 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-868-3100 ext.55005 | 819-868-3100 ext.55005 | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website Address | http://www.etsb.qc.ca/ | http://www.etsb.qc.ca/ | Eastern Townships School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director of Continuing Education | Michel Soucy | soucym@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/SAEETSB/ | https://www.facebook.com/SAEETSB/ | Eastern Townships School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Steve Dunn | dunns@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 1 | Admin. | 1 | Centre Director | Luc Rodrigue | rodriguel@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director Adult Education | Steve Dunn | dunns@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator | Maude Danis Coulombe | daniscoulombem@etsb.qc.ca | daniscoulombem@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Vocational Training - Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director Vocational Training | Liette Béchard | bechardl@etsb.qc.ca | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Vocational Training - Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 2365 Galt Street West | 2365 Galt Street West | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Sherbrooke, Qc. J1K 1L1 | Sherbrooke, Qc. J1K 1L1 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-566-2658 | 819-566-2658 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-566-0250 | 819-566-0250 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 180 Adélard Godbout | 180 Adélard Godbout | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Cowansville, Qc. J2K 3X9 | Cowansville, Qc. J2K 3X9 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/CBMCowansville2015/ | https://www.facebook.com/CBMCowansville2015/ | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-263-0985 | 450-263-0985 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/cbm_csvdc_etsb | https://www.instagram.com/cbm_csvdc_etsb | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-263-7901 | 450-263-7901 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://cbm.csvdc.qc.ca/ | https://cbm.csvdc.qc.ca/ | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 180 Adélard Godbout | 180 Adélard Godbout | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Cowansville, Qc. J2K 3X9 | Cowansville, Qc. J2K 3X9 | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-361-9397/1-877-463-3775 | 450-361-9397/1-877-463-3775 | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://distanceeducation-etsb.com/en/ | http://distanceeducation-etsb.com/en/ | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1700 College | 1700 College | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Sherbrooke, Qc. J1M 0C8 | Sherbrooke, Qc. J1M 0C8 | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-820-0500 | 819-820-0500 | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-563-5627 | 819-563-5627 | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Academic, Vocational Information Counselor, Job Links | Mireille Bergeron | bergeronm@etsb.qc.ca | bergeronm@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counselor | Mitchell Lachance | lachancem@etsb.qc.ca | lachancem@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counselor, Job Links | Jessica Girard | girardj@etsb.qc.ca | girardj@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Counselor in Academic Training | Andréanne Ruel-Lachance | Ruel-Lachancea@etsb.qc.ca | Ruel-Lachancea@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counselor | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Mitchell Lachance | lachancem@etsb.qc.ca | lachancem@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Johanna Bisson | bissonj@edu.etsb.qc.ca | bissonj@edu.etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Data Processing | Eugene Geneau | geneaue@etsb.qc.ca | geneaue@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Secretary | Jennifer Rosebush | rosebush@etsb.qc.ca | rosebush@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Donna Bray | brayd@etsb.qc.ca | brayd@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary, Job Links | Courtney Nichols | nicholsc@etsb.qc.ca | nicholsc@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre – New Horizons Adult Education | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary | Tamara Hadlock | hadlockt@etsb.qc.ca | hadlockt@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | 0 | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary Receptionist | Marie-Chantale Archambault | archambaultm@etsb.qc.ca | archambaultm@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Adult Education Centre- Brome-Missisquoi Campus | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Distance Education Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Guylaine Roy | royg@etsb.qc.ca | royg@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Distance Education Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Development Agent | Mélanie Thompson | thompsonm@etsb.qc.ca | thompsonm@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | Andie Fournier | fourniera@etsb.qc.ca | fourniera@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Marie Vaillancourt | vaillancourtm@etsb.qc.ca | vaillancourtm@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
5 | Eastern Townships School Board | 9 | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 1 | Admin. | Administrative Assistant | Lise Coté-Dougherty | doughertyl@etsb.qc.ca | doughertyl@etsb.qc.ca | Eastern Townships School Board | Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Nicholas Katalifos | NKatalifos@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director General, Administration | Jack H. Chadirdjian | JChadirdjian@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director General, Education | Pela Nickoletopoulos | PNickoletopoulos@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Secretary General | Nathalie Lauzière | nlauziere@emsb.qc.ca | nlauziere@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/EnglishMTL/ | https://www.facebook.com/EnglishMTL/ | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/englishmtl | https://twitter.com/englishmtl | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.emsb.qc.ca | https://www.emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 1 | School Board | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ogv9rAywuQ4yn5v5zmMLQ | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ogv9rAywuQ4yn5v5zmMLQ | English Montreal School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Regional Director AEVS | Angela Spagnolo | ASpagnolo@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director AEVS | Mario Argiropoulos | MArgiropoulos@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director AEVS | Richard Mark David | RDavid@emsb.qc.ca | 0 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Ann Marie Matheson | AMatheson@emsb.qc.ca | AMatheson@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Frédéric Boudreault | Fboudreault@emsb.qc.ca | Fboudreault@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Martina Schiavone | Mschiavone@emsb.qc.ca | Mschiavone@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Antonietta Scrocca | AScrocca@emsb.qc.ca | AScrocca@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Ann Marie Matheson | AMatheson@emsb.qc.ca | AMatheson@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Frédéric Boudreault | Fboudreault@emsb.qc.ca | Fboudreault@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Harry Michalopoulos | HMichalopoulos@emsb.qc.ca | HMichalopoulos@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | Centre Vice-Principal - Interim | Isabelle Gagnier | IGagnier@emsb.qc.ca | IGagnier@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Alice Sideropoulous | Asideropoulous@emsb.qc.ca | Asideropoulous@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Alain Bélair | ABelair@emsb.qc.ca | ABelair@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Antonella Russo | ARUSSO@emsb.qc.ca | ARUSSO@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Demetra Droutsas | DDroutsas@emsb.qc.ca | DDroutsas@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 2 | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Danica Lewington | DLewington@emsb.qc.ca | DLewington@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 6000 Fielding Avenue | 6000 Fielding Avenue | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H3X 1T4 | Montreal, Qc. H3X 1T4 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/emsbaevs | https://www.facebook.com/emsbaevs | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-483-7530 | 514-483-7530 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-483-7200 EXT:7349 | 514-483-7200 EXT:7349 | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.emsb-aevs.com/ | http://www.emsb-aevs.com/ | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 3030 Villeray | 3030 Villeray | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H2A 1E7 | Montreal, Qc. H2A 1E7 | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.emsb-aevs.com/AEVSTestingCentre/ | https://www.emsb-aevs.com/AEVSTestingCentre/ | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-789-1768 | 514-789-1768 | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-488-4636/514-482-9645 | 514-488-4636/514-482-9645 | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.emsb-aevs.com/AEVSTestingCentre/ | http://www.emsb-aevs.com/AEVSTestingCentre/ | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 6000 Fielding Avenue | 6000 Fielding Avenue | English Montreal School Board | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc H3X 1T4 | Montreal, Qc H3X 1T4 | English Montreal School Board | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | sbg@emsb.qc.ca | sbg@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-483-7200 EXT: 7724 | 514-483-7200 EXT: 7724 | English Montreal School Board | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 10921 Gariépy | 10921 Gariépy | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H1H 4C6 | Montreal, Qc. H1H 4C6 | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/galileoadultcentre/ | https://www.facebook.com/galileoadultcentre/ | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-721-0827 | 514-721-0827 | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/galileoadultcentre/ | https://www.instagram.com/galileoadultcentre/ | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-721-0120 | 514-721-0120 | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.gaec.ca/en/ | https://www.gaec.ca/en/ | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCey7lgVDVJmdG0oHEtKqe3w?app=desktop | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCey7lgVDVJmdG0oHEtKqe3w?app=desktop | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 3711 De Bouillon Street | 3711 De Bouillon Street | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H2X 3A2 | Montreal, Qc. H2X 3A2 | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/HSMAdultCentre | https://www.facebook.com/HSMAdultCentre | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-788-5955 | 514-788-5955 | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-788-5937 | 514-788-5937 | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.hsmontreal.ca/ | https://www.hsmontreal.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | SARCA | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 10909 Gariépy | 10909 Gariépy | English Montreal School Board | SARCA | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | SARCA | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H1H 4C1 | Montreal, Qc. H1H 4C1 | English Montreal School Board | SARCA | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | SARCA | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-846-7955 | 514-846-7955 | English Montreal School Board | SARCA | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | SARCA | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.emsb-sarca.ca/ | http://www.emsb-sarca.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | SARCA | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1000 Old Orchard Street | 1000 Old Orchard Street | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H4A 3A4 | Montreal, Qc. H4A 3A4 | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/Shadd-Health-Business-Centre-261675368111/ | https://www.facebook.com/Shadd-Health-Business-Centre-261675368111/ | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-484-5788 | 514-484-5788 | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/shadd_centre/ | https://www.instagram.com/shadd_centre/ | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-484-0485 | 514-484-0485 | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.shadd.com/ | http://www.shadd.com/ | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.slaec.ca/ | https://www.slaec.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 9955 Papineau | 9955 Papineau | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H2B 1Z9 | Montreal, Qc. H2B 1Z9 | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/piusculinary/ | https://www.facebook.com/piusculinary/ | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-381-1124 | 514-381-1124 | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-381-5440 | 514-381-5440 | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/piusculinary | https://twitter.com/piusculinary | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://piuscentre.com/ | http://piuscentre.com/ | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 5785 Parkhaven | 5785 Parkhaven | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Côte Saint-Luc, Qc. H4W 1X8 | Côte Saint-Luc, Qc. H4W 1X8 | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/WagarAdultEd/ | https://www.facebook.com/WagarAdultEd/ | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-488-8458 | 514-488-8458 | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-488-8203 | 514-488-8203 | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.wagaradulteducationcentre.ca/ | http://www.wagaradulteducationcentre.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Educational Consultant | Harriet Cohen | hcohen@emsb.qc.ca | hcohen@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Educational Consultant | Mary Gouskos | mgouskos@emsb.qc.ca | mgouskos@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Counselor in Academic Training | Theresa Calabretta | Tcalabretta@emsb.qc.ca | Tcalabretta@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | AEVS Testing Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Educational Consultant | Alexandra Michas | Amichas@emsb.qc.ca | Amichas@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | AEVS Testing Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Kenneth Johnston | KJohnston@emsb.qc.ca | KJohnston@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Continuing Education - Business Services/SAE | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Rosanna De Fazio | Rdefazio@emsb.qc.ca | Rdefazio@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Analyst | Santa Salucci | ssalucci@emsb.qc.ca | ssalucci@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Counselor in Re-education (50%) | Luisa Moscardi | LMoscardi@emsb.qc.ca | LMoscardi@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Galileo Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | HSM Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Cindy Romeo | Cromeo@emsb.qc.ca | Cromeo@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | HSM Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Educational Consultant | Frank Furaro | ffurfaro@emsb.qc.ca | ffurfaro@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Sanction / Educational Consultant | Tania Battista | tbattista@emsb.qc.ca | tbattista@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | SARCA | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Counselor in Academic Training | Josie Alfano | Jalfano@emsb.qc.ca | Jalfano@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | SARCA | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Samuel Black | SBlack@emsb.qc.ca | SBlack@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Lovina Brown | LBrown4@emsb.qc.ca | LBrown4@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Shadd Health & Business Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Paolo Della Rocca | Pdellarocca@emsb.qc.ca | Pdellarocca@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Steve Aglitti | Saglitti@emsb.qc.ca | Saglitti@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St.-Pius X Career Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Amanda Cameau | ACAMEAU@emsb.qc.ca | ACAMEAU@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Jennnifer Campbell | jcampbell1@emsb.qc.ca | jcampbell1@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Wagar Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary AEVS | Helen Ollivierre | HOllivierre@emsb.qc.ca | HOllivierre@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Psychologist | Lise Libarian-Mendez | LLibarian-Mendez@emsb.qc.ca | LLibarian-Mendez@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Adult Education & Vocational Services Department | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 3711 De Bouillon Street | 3711 De Bouillon Street | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H2X 3A2 | Montreal, Qc. H2X 3A2 | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/DealDistanceEducation/ | https://www.facebook.com/DealDistanceEducation/ | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-788-5955 | 514-788-5955 | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-788-5937/1-800-950-5552 | 514-788-5937/1-800-950-5552 | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Website | https://www.distanted.ca/ | https://www.distanted.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Counselor in Re-Education | Raquel Di Tirro | RDiTirro@emsb.qc.ca | RDiTirro@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Education Consultant | Nadia Cerrelli | Ncerrelli@emsb.qc.ca | Ncerrelli@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | D.E.A.L. – Distance Education for Adult Learners | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Tina Spiridigliozzi | TSpiridigliozzi@emsb.qc.ca | TSpiridigliozzi@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | Centre Vice-Principal (Interim) | Bernard Osei-Asamoah | OSEI-ASAMOAH@emsb.qc.ca | OSEI-ASAMOAH@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 5440 Notre Dame Street West | 5440 Notre Dame Street West | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H4C 1T9 | Montreal, Qc. H4C 1T9 | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/jameslyngadult/ | https://www.facebook.com/jameslyngadult/ | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-846-1449 | 514-846-1449 | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-846-0019 | 514-846-0019 | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Website | https://www.jlac.ca/ | https://www.jlac.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Counsellor in Re-Education | Paul LaPlante | Plaplante@emsb.qc.ca | Plaplante@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Leslie Habib | Lhabib@emsb.qc.ca | Lhabib@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic & Vocational Information Counselor | Willam O'Connor | WO'Connor@emsb.qc.ca | WO'Connor@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | James Lyng Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Elizabeth Lagodich | ELagodich@emsb.qc.ca | ELagodich@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | Centre Vice-Principal (Interim) | Mauro Corneli | MCorneli@emsb.qc.ca | MCorneli@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 3030 Villeray | 3030 Villeray | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Montreal, Qc. H2A 1E7 | Montreal, Qc. H2A 1E7 | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/JFKAdultCentre/ | https://www.facebook.com/JFKAdultCentre/ | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-374-2226 | 514-374-2226 | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-374-2888 | 514-374-2888 | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Website | https://www.jfkac.ca/ | https://www.jfkac.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Rosie De Grisantis | Rdegrisantis@emsb.qc.ca | Rdegrisantis@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Counselor in Re-education (50%) | Luisa Moscardi | LMoscardi@emsb.qc.ca | LMoscardi@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | John F. Kennedy Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Anna-Maria Borsellino | aborsellino@emsb.qc.ca | aborsellino@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Réal Heppelle | Rheppelle@emsb.qc.ca | Rheppelle@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 5025 Jean-Talon East | 5025 Jean-Talon East | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | St-Leonard, Qc. H1S 3G6 | St-Leonard, Qc. H1S 3G6 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/LaurierMacdonaldCareerCentre | https://www.facebook.com/LaurierMacdonaldCareerCentre | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-374-4403 | 514-374-4403 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-374-4278 | 514-374-4278 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/lmaccareer | https://twitter.com/lmaccareer | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Website | http://lmaccareercentre.com/ | http://lmaccareercentre.com/ | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Lauren Kleiderman | LKleiderman@emsb.qc.ca | LKleiderman@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Macdonald Vocational Centre - Jean-Talon Campus | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Anna-Maria Borsellino | aborsellino@emsb.qc.ca | aborsellino@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Sulaman Khan | Skhan1@emsb.qc.ca | Skhan1@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 6065 Boul. Des Grandes-Prairies | 6065 Boul. Des Grandes-Prairies | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Saint-Léonard, Qc. H1P 1A5 | Saint-Léonard, Qc. H1P 1A5 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-327-8282 | 514-327-8282 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-327-8787 | 514-327-8787 | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Nadia Matalucci | NMatalucci@emsb.qc.ca | NMatalucci@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Laurier Maconald Vocational Centre - Des Grandes Prairies Campus | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | John Pevec | Jpevec@emsb.qc.ca | Jpevec@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Ruben Azevedo | razevedo@emsb.qc.ca | razevedo@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Danny Midlash | dmidlash@emsb.qc.ca | dmidlash@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 3737 Beaubien Street East | 3737 Beaubien Street East | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Rosemount, Qc. H1X 1H2 | Rosemount, Qc. H1X 1H2 | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/rosemonttechnologycentre | https://www.facebook.com/rosemonttechnologycentre | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-376-9736 | 514-376-9736 | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/rosemounttechnologycentre/ | https://www.instagram.com/rosemounttechnologycentre/ | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-376-4724/514-376-4725 | 514-376-4724/514-376-4725 | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/rtcmontreal | https://twitter.com/rtcmontreal | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Website | https://www.rosemount-technology.qc.ca/ | https://www.rosemount-technology.qc.ca/ | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/user/RosemountTechnology | https://www.youtube.com/user/RosemountTechnology | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Melissa Urso | Murso@emsb.qc.ca | Murso@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | Rosemount Technology Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | Nadia Zuccaro | Nzuccaro@emsb.qc.ca | Nzuccaro@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | Rosemount Technology Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 1 | Centre Principal | Daniela Lattanzio | Dlattanzio@emsb.qc.ca | Dlattanzio@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Administration | 2 | Centre Vice-Principal | Peter Byron | Pbyron@emsb.qc.ca | Pbyron@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Address | 2405 Place Lafortune West | 2405 Place Lafortune West | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | City, PC | Ville St. Laurent, Qc. H4M 1C2 | Ville St. Laurent, Qc. H4M 1C2 | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/stlaurentadcentre/ | https://www.facebook.com/stlaurentadcentre/ | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Fax | 514-337-8570 | 514-337-8570 | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Coordinates | Phone | 514-337-3856 | 514-337-3856 | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Academic and Vocational Information Counsellor | David Di Paolo | DDiPaolo@emsb.qc.ca | DDiPaolo@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
6 | English Montreal School Board | 9 | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 5 | Montreal (06) | Professionals | Counsellor in Re-education | Annette Lacroce | ALacroce2@emsb.qc.ca | ALacroce2@emsb.qc.ca | English Montreal School Board | St. Laurent Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Harriet Keleutak | harriet.keleutak@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400 | 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400 | 9800 Cavendish, Suite 400 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | St. Laurent, Qc. H4M 2V9 | St. Laurent, Qc. H4M 2V9 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/ilisarniq/ | https://www.facebook.com/ilisarniq/ | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-369-2636 | 514-369-2636 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/ilisarniliriniq/ | https://www.instagram.com/ilisarniliriniq/ | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-482-8220 | 514-482-8220 | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/ilisarniq | https://twitter.com/ilisarniq | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://kativik.qc.ca | http://kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Director of Adult and Vocational Education | Parfait ceme | parfait.ceme@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator of customized training | Stephanie Miehe | stephanie.miehe@kativik.qc.ca | stephanie.miehe@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | coorinator of schools | Phebe Bentley | phebe.bentley@kativik.qc.ca | phebe.bentley@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | Director of Adult and Vocational Education | Mamadou Diop | mamadou.diop@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.kativik.qc.ca/adult-education/ | https://www.kativik.qc.ca/adult-education/ | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.kativik.qc.ca/adult-education/vocational-training/ | https://www.kativik.qc.ca/adult-education/vocational-training/ | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMYpsoSMs8Q7g8ozg4To5IQ | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMYpsoSMs8Q7g8ozg4To5IQ | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Childcare, firstaid, health and social services | Samantha Poirier | Samanthan.Poirier@kativik.qc.ca | Samanthan.Poirier@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 driving permits | Beatrice Berland | Beatrice.berland@kativik.qc.ca | Beatrice.berland@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Customized Training – construction Trades and Welding | Jecelyn Michaud | Jocelyn.michaud@kativik.qc.ca | Jocelyn.michaud@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education consultant - E larning | Shiley Picknell | shiley.picknell@kativik.qc.ca | shiley.picknell@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education consultant - FSL - FLE - Options courses | Caroline Mueller | Caroline.mueller@katvik.qc.ca | Caroline.mueller@katvik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education Consutant- Social Studie, ESL ELA | Jamie johnson | jamie.jonhson@kativik.qc.ca | jamie.jonhson@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Health, Tourism and Development | Raphale Belanger | raphael.belanger@kativik.qc.ca | raphael.belanger@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Math, science anr IT | Vacant | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Mining Sector and Development | Vacant | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Parenting and Wellness | Betsy Tukiapik | betsy.tukiapik@kativik.qc.ca | betsy.tukiapik@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | RAC Counsellor | Nourredine Amer-Ucef | Nourredine.Amer-Ucef@kativik.qc.ca | Nourredine.Amer-Ucef@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | SARCA | Jacob Weiss | Jacob.weiss@kativik.qc.ca | Jacob.weiss@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | SARCA | Simata Manning | simata.manning@kativik.qc.ca | simata.manning@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Training Officer | Joyce Ng | Joyce.Ng@kativik.qc.ca | Joyce.Ng@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Vocational Training Ped | Daphne Lefebvre | daphne.lefebvre@kativik.qc.ca | daphne.lefebvre@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Voctional training ped | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | Alena Popova | transferstudent@kativik.qc.ca | transferstudent@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary-Receptionist | Lyne Bourget | Lyne.Bourget@kativik.qc.ca | Lyne.Bourget@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Technician (Administrator) | Linda Zouvi | Linda.Zouvi@kativik.qc.ca | Linda.Zouvi@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Technician (Student Records) | 0 | Kativik School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Inukjuak Vocational Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Sarah-Lisa Kadsuluak | 0 | Kativik School Board | Inukjuak Vocational Centre | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Kangiqsujuaq Adult Ed Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Sally Nuktie | sally.nuktie@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Kangiqsujuaq Adult Ed Centre | 0 | ||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Kuujjuac Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Alice Berthe | Alice.Berthe@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Kuujjuac Centre | 0 | ||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Puvirnituq Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Malaya Tukalak | malaya.tukalak@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Puvirnituq Centre | 0 | ||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Salluit Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Darrell Atagotaaluk | Darrell.Atagotaaluk@kativik.qc.ca | 0 | Kativik School Board | Salluit Centre | 0 | ||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Amos detention center adult education center | 1 | 2 | Administration | Amos adult education center | Christine.totszollosy@kativik.qc.ca | Christine.totszollosy@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Amos detention center adult education center | 0 | ||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Ivirtiviq adult education center | 1 | 2 | Administration | 0 | Kativik School Board | Ivirtiviq adult education center | 0 | ||||||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | Kuujjuaraapik Adult Education Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Teacher-Acting CD | Madeleine Kemp | Madeleine.Kemp@kativik.qc.ca | Madeleine.Kemp@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | Kuujjuaraapik Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||
7 | Kativik School Board | 9 | St Jerome Detention center adult education center | 1 | 2 | Administration | Teacher-Acting CD | Chris Mount | Christopher.mount@kativik.qc.ca | Christopher.mount@kativik.qc.ca | Kativik School Board | St Jerome Detention center adult education center | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Cindy Finn | cfinn@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Gina Clemenza | gclemenza@lbpsb.qc.ca | gclemenza@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Stephanie Stever | sstever@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Veronique Marin | vmarin@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1925 Brookdale Avenue | 1925 Brookdale Avenue | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Dorval, Qc. H9P 2Y7 | Dorval, Qc. H9P 2Y7 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/LBPSB/ | https://www.facebook.com/LBPSB/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-422-3023 | 514-422-3023 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/lbpsb_/ | https://www.instagram.com/lbpsb_/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-422-3000 | 514-422-3000 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/LBPSB?lang=en | https://twitter.com/LBPSB?lang=en | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://boardsite.lbpsb.qc.ca/ | https://boardsite.lbpsb.qc.ca/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKYqXgGl93YbE77x9lXP4g | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKYqXgGl93YbE77x9lXP4g | Lester B. Pearson School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Lina Laflèche | llafleche@lbpsb.qc.ca | llafleche@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director, Continuing Education | Maggie Soldano | msoldano@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/LBPSB | https://www.facebook.com/LBPSB | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/ | http://www.lbpce.ca/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Roger Rampersad | rrampersad@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Qaadira De Coteau | qdecoteau@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Marilyn Aon | maon@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Christie Brown | cbrown16@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Jennifer Kurta | jkurta@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Jad Deegan | jdeegan@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Michael Corey Clark | mclark03@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Jad Deegan | jdeegan@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator of Services | Mark Newton | mnewton02@lbpsb.qc.ca | mnewton02@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 2 | Administration | Adjoint adm. de services | Gianluca Muia | gmuia@lbpsb.qc.ca | gmuia@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 2 | Administration | Administrative Technician | Line Legault | llegault@lbpsb.qc.ca | llegault@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director | Martine St. Pierre | martine.stpierre@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Lashiah De Clou | ldeclou02@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Demi Galanomatis | dgalanomatis@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Caroline Mueller | cmueller03@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Claudine Turnbull | cturnbull@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Jana De Rycke | jderycke02@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Andrew Czereyski | aczereyski@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Terry Lin | tlin@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Andrew Czereyski | aczereyski@lbpsb.qc.ca | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 5000 René-Huguet | 5000 René-Huguet | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Lachine, Qc. H8T 1M7 | Lachine, Qc. H8T 1M7 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | (8) LBP Business Solutions Group | Facebook | (8) LBP Business Solutions Group | Facebook | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-634-8146 | 514-634-8146 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Business Solutions Group - Lester B. Pearson School Board | LinkedIn | Business Solutions Group - Lester B. Pearson School Board | LinkedIn | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-422-3000 | 514-422-3000 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 240 Beaurepaire Drive | 240 Beaurepaire Drive | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Beaconsfield, Qc. H9W 6G4 | Beaconsfield, Qc. H9W 6G4 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/GRBeautyAcademy/ | https://www.facebook.com/GRBeautyAcademy/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-426-4854 | 514-426-4854 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/gordonrobertsonbeautyacademy/?hl=en | https://www.instagram.com/gordonrobertsonbeautyacademy/?hl=en | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-426-5096 | 514-426-5096 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/BeautyAcademyGR | https://twitter.com/BeautyAcademyGR | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/grba | http://www.lbpce.ca/grba | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1925 Brookdale Avenue | 1925 Brookdale Avenue | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Dorval, Qc. H9P 2Y7 | Dorval, Qc. H9P 2Y7 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514 422-3009 | 514 422-3009 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-422-3000 | 514-422-3000 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpsb.qc.ca/eng/intlstudies/myintlstudiesV2.asp | http://www.lbpsb.qc.ca/eng/intlstudies/myintlstudiesV2.asp | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address: | 8300 George Street | 8300 George Street | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Lasalle, Qc. H8P 1E5 | Lasalle, Qc. H8P 1E5 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Adult | https://www.facebook.com/PACCAdult/ | https://www.facebook.com/PACCAdult/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-364-1953 | 514-364-1953 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | adult | https://www.instagram.com/paccadult/ | https://www.instagram.com/paccadult/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-798-5588 | 514-798-5588 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Adult | https://twitter.com/pacc_adult | https://twitter.com/pacc_adult | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Adult | http://www.lbpce.ca/pacc-adult | http://www.lbpce.ca/pacc-adult | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 8310 George Street | 8310 George Street | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Lasalle, Qc. H8P 1E5 | Lasalle, Qc. H8P 1E5 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-363-5295 | 514-363-5295 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-363-6213 | 514-363-6213 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Vocational | http://www.lbpce.ca/pacc | http://www.lbpce.ca/pacc | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 5000 René-Huguet | 5000 René-Huguet | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Lachine, Qc. H8T 1M7 | Lachine, Qc. H8T 1M7 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/PECLachine | https://www.facebook.com/PECLachine | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-634-8146 | 514-634-8146 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/pec_lbpsb/ | https://www.instagram.com/pec_lbpsb/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/school/pearson-electrotechnology-centre-pec/ | https://www.linkedin.com/school/pearson-electrotechnology-centre-pec/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-798-1818 | 514-798-1818 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/PEC_LBPSB | https://twitter.com/PEC_LBPSB | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/pec | http://www.lbpce.ca/pec | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 120 Ambassador Ave | 120 Ambassador Ave | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 1S8 | Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 1S8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-798-8798 | 514-798-8798 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/place-cartier | http://www.lbpce.ca/place-cartier | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 265 Allancroft Road | 265 Allancroft Road | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Beaconsfield, Qc. H9W 2R8 | Beaconsfield, Qc. H9W 2R8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/PlaceCartier | https://www.facebook.com/PlaceCartier | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-695-8424 | 514-695-8424 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/placecartier/?hl=en | https://www.instagram.com/placecartier/?hl=en | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-780-8966 | 514-780-8966 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/placecartier | https://twitter.com/placecartier | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 120 Ambassador Ave | 120 Ambassador Ave | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 1S8 | Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 1S8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514 -798-8798 | 514 -798-8798 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | website | https://www.lbpce.ca/sacc | https://www.lbpce.ca/sacc | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | 0 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | ||||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 6050 Champlain Blvd | 6050 Champlain Blvd | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Verdun, Qc. H4H 1A5 | Verdun, Qc. H4H 1A5 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/VerdunAdultCareerCentre | https://www.facebook.com/VerdunAdultCareerCentre | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/verdunadultandcareercentre/ | https://www.instagram.com/verdunadultandcareercentre/ | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-798-0405 | 514-798-0405 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/VERDUNCAREERCTR | https://twitter.com/VERDUNCAREERCTR | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/vacc | http://www.lbpce.ca/vacc | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 13700 Pierrefonds Blvd | 13700 Pierrefonds Blvd | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Pierrefonds, Qc. H9A 1A7 | Pierrefonds, Qc. H9A 1A7 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/wicc1 | https://www.facebook.com/wicc1 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | |||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 514-620-5335 | 514-620-5335 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 514-620-0707 | 514-620-0707 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.lbpce.ca/wicc | http://www.lbpce.ca/wicc | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | ||||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Pierre Auclair | pauclair@lbpsb.qc.ca | pauclair@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Barry Ellison | barryneil.ellison@lbpsb.qc.ca | barryneil.ellison@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Samar Abboud | sabboud@lbpsb.qc.ca | sabboud@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Elizabeth Parker | eparker02@lbpsb.qc.ca | eparker02@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Shiela Sachdeva | ssachdeva@lbpsb.qc.ca | ssachdeva@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Tammy Thomson | tthomson@lbpsb.qc.ca> | tthomson@lbpsb.qc.ca> | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Stephanie Einagel | seinagel@lbpsb.qc.ca | seinagel@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Joanne Aubry | jaubry@lbpsb.qc.ca | jaubry@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Couns. Academic Training | Karen Nesbitt | knesbitt@lbpsb.qc.ca | knesbitt@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Gail Gagnon | ggagnon@lbpsb.qc.ca | ggagnon@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Matthew Kennedy | mkennedy08@lbpsb.qc.ca | mkennedy08@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Denise Giguere | dgiguere@lbpsb.qc.ca | dgiguere@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Stephanie Einagel | seinagel@lbpsb.qc.ca | seinagel@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Susan Oliver | soliver05@lbpsb.qc.ca | soliver05@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Business Solutions Group | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent Class II | Maria Camila Pelaez | mpelaezquintero@lbpsb.qc.ca | mpelaezquintero@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Business Solutions Group | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Caroline Munhoz Meoralli | cmunhozmeoralli@lbpsb.qc.ca | cmunhozmeoralli@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy - GRBA | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | International Program | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent Cl. I | Monika Popiel | mpopiel@lbpsb.qc.ca | mpopiel@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | International Program | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Charis De Clou | cdeclou@lbpsb.qc.ca | cdeclou@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC ADULT | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Luiza Matoso | lmatoso@lbpsb.qc.ca | lmatoso@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Adult and Career - PACC VOCATIONAL | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Joan Bernard | jbernard@lbpsb.qc.ca | jbernard@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Pearson Electrotechnology Centre - PEC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent | Gertrude Cardinal | gcardinal@lbpsb.qc.ca | gcardinal@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre – Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School/Centre Secretary | Heather Peladeau | hpeladeau@lbpsb.qc.ca | hpeladeau@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Adult Centre & Allancroft Campus | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office agent | Hitomi Nakamura | hnakamura02@lbpsb.qc.ca | hnakamura02@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Place Cartier Vocational Centre | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Jennifer A. Holmes | jholmes02@lbpsb.qc.ca | jholmes02@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Voc-Ed Training Technician | Jimmy Meletakos | jmelatakos@lbpsb.qc.ca | jmelatakos@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | Verdun Adult and Career Centre - VACC | 0 | |||
8 | Lester B. Pearson School Board | 9 | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Danielle Paré | dpare02@lbpsb.qc.ca | dpare02@lbpsb.qc.ca | Lester B. Pearson School Board | West Island Career Centre - WICC | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 2 | Administration | Administrator | Marc-André Masse | dg@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | dg@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | ||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 1581, boulevard Docteur-Camille-Marcoux | 1581, boulevard Docteur-Camille-Marcoux | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Blanc-Sablon (Québec) G0G 1C0 | Blanc-Sablon (Québec) G0G 1C0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/CentredeservicesscolaireduLittoral | https://www.facebook.com/CentredeservicesscolaireduLittoral | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | ||||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-461-2601 | 418-461-2601 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-461-2810 | 418-461-2810 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/csdulittoral?lang=fr | https://twitter.com/csdulittoral?lang=fr | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | ||||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 1 | School Board | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://www.cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca/ | http://www.cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca/ | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | School Board | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 2 | Administration | Director of Educational Services – Adult and Youth Sectors | Marie Hamel | mhamel@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Contact | Ana Osborne | aosborne@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | aosborne@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/adulteCSSL | https://www.facebook.com/adulteCSSL | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 418-461-2601 | 418-461-2601 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 418-461-3568 | 418-461-3568 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Côte-Nord | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Marissa Lavallée | adulte@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | adulte@cssdulittoral.gouv.qc.ca | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Gabriel-Dionne, Tête-à-la-Baleine | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Gabriel-Dionne, Tête-à-la-Baleine | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Kegaska, Kegaska | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Kegaska, Kegaska | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Marie-Sarah, La Romaine | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Marie-Sarah, La Romaine | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Mecatina, La Tabatière | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Mecatina, La Tabatière | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Mountain Ridge, Vieux-Fort | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Mountain Ridge, Vieux-Fort | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA Netagamiou, Chevery | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA Netagamiou, Chevery | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA St-Augustine, Rivière St-Augustin | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA St-Augustine, Rivière St-Augustin | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA St-Bernard, Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA St-Bernard, Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA St-Joseph, Port-Menier | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA St-Joseph, Port-Menier | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA St-Lawrence, Mutton Bay | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA St-Lawrence, Mutton Bay | 0 | |
9 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | 9 | CEA St-Paul, Rivière St-Paul | 5 | Côte-Nord | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Ana Osborne | 418-461-3568 | 0 | Centre de services scolaire du Littoral | CEA St-Paul, Rivière St-Paul | 0 | |
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Mike Helm | mhelm@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Joyce Donohue | jdonohue@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 214 McLeod | 214 McLeod | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Chateauguay, Qc. J6J 2H4 | Chateauguay, Qc. J6J 2H4 | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/NFSchoolBoard/ | https://www.facebook.com/NFSchoolBoard/ | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-691-1440 | 450-691-1440 | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | www.nfsb.qc.ca | www.nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | Administration | 1 | Director of Continuing Education | Chantal Martin | chmartin@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/nfsb.me/ | https://www.facebook.com/nfsb.me/ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/nfsbme/ | https://www.instagram.com/nfsbme/ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/nfsbme | https://www.linkedin.com/company/nfsbme | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/nfsbme | https://twitter.com/nfsbme | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://nfsb.me | https://nfsb.me | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPakOCw3jwX3FrEnCJO_hMQ | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPakOCw3jwX3FrEnCJO_hMQ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Development Agent, Responsible for the Certification of Studies, Adult Education and Vocational Training | Pierre Gloutnay | pgloutnay@nfsb.qc.ca | pgloutnay@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Development Agent, SARCA | Jayme McClintock | jmcclintock@nfsb.qc.ca | jmcclintock@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Development Agent | Lynn Rizzuto | lrizzuto@nfsb.qc.ca | lrizzuto@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Development Agent | Brooke Wilson | bwilson@nfsb.qc.ca | bwilson@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Education Consultant | Kelly Ryan | kryan@nfsb.qc.ca | kryan@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Kirsten Goldthorp | kgoldthorp@nfsb.qc.ca | kgoldthorp@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE/Community Learning Centre | 2 | Administration | Coordinator of Community and Business | Chuck Halliday | challiday@nfsb.qc.ca | challiday@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Community Learning Centre | 3 | coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/NFSBCLC/ | https://www.facebook.com/NFSBCLC/ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Community Learning Centre | 3 | coordinates | Website | https://clc.nfsb.qc.ca/ | https://clc.nfsb.qc.ca/ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | International | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://nfsb.me/international/ | https://nfsb.me/international/ | New Frontiers School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Kara Woods | kwoods@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Kara Woods | kwoods@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Derek Stacey | dstacey@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Diana Gervasi | dgervasi1@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Centre Director Interim | Marilou Trahan-Thomassin | mtrahan-thomassin@nfsb.qc.ca | 0 | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 46 Roy | 46 Roy | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Ormstown, Qc. J0S 1K0 | Ormstown, Qc. J0S 1K0 | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/cvcec/ | https://www.facebook.com/cvcec/ | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-829-2398 | 450-829-2398 | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-829-2396 | 450-829-2396 | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://nfsb.me/ormstown-cvcec/ | https://nfsb.me/ormstown-cvcec/ | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 24 York | 24 York | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Huntingdon, Qc. J0S 1H0 | Huntingdon, Qc. J0S 1H0 | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/HuntingdonAdultEducationCommunityCentre/ | https://www.facebook.com/HuntingdonAdultEducationCommunityCentre/ | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-264-9172 | 450-264-9172 | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-264-9276 | 450-264-9276 | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://nfsb.me/huntington-adult-education-and-community-centre-haecc/ | https://nfsb.me/huntington-adult-education-and-community-centre-haecc/ | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 70 Maple | 70 Maple | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Chateauguay, Qc. J6J 3P8 | Chateauguay, Qc. J6J 3P8 | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/NovaCareerCentre/ | https://www.facebook.com/NovaCareerCentre/ | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-691-0734 | 450-691-0734 | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-691-2540 | 450-691-2540 | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://nfsb.me/chateauguay-nova/ | https://nfsb.me/chateauguay-nova/ | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | ||||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Student Counsellor | Jane Fairhurst | jfairhurst@nfsb.qc.ca | jfairhurst@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Student Counsellor | Carol Mayr | cmayr@nfsb.qc.ca | cmayr@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Psychologist | Christine O'Connor | coconnor@nfsb.qc.ca | coconnor@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Student Counsellor | Carol Mayr | cmayr@nfsb.qc.ca | cmayr@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Student Counsellor | Joanne O'Hanley | johanley3@nfsb.qc.ca | johanley3@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Organisation Technician | Nancy Hunter | nhunter@nfsb.qc.ca | nhunter@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Veronica Czyewski | vczyzewski@nfsb.qc.ca | vczyzewski@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent Principal Class/CEN-ELVEC | Shelley Smythe | ssmythe@nfsb.qc.ca | ssmythe@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Secretary | Amanda Trimm | atrimm@nfsb.qc.ca | atrimm@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Organization Technician | Sandra Caza | scaza@nfsb.qc.ca | scaza@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Lauren French | lfrench@nfsb.qc.ca | lfrench@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Organization Technician | Kelly Stuart | kstuart@nfsb.qc.ca | kstuart@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Iris Boileau-Magnan | iboileau-magnan@nfsb.qc.ca | iboileau-magnan@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent reception | Catherine Cardoso | ccardoso@nfsb.qc.ca | ccardoso@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Office Agent reception | Alicia Cowan Massicotte | acowanmassicotte@nfsb.qc.ca | acowanmassicotte@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Carpentry | James Trepanier | jtrepanier@nfsb.qc.ca | jtrepanier@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Health | Danielle Boak | dboak@nfsb.qc.ca | dboak@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre - CVCEC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations | Denise Chavez | dchavez@nfsb.qc.ca | dchavez@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Landscaping | Denise Chavez | dchavez@nfsb.qc.ca | dchavez@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre - HAECC | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Automobile Mechanics | Eric Wilson | ewilson@nfsb.qc.ca | ewilson@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
10 | New Frontiers School Board | 9 | Nova Career Centre | 1 | 9 | Department Heads | Welding | Peter Cappuccio | pcappuccio@nfsb.qc.ca | pcappuccio@nfsb.qc.ca | New Frontiers School Board | Nova Career Centre | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Chantale Scroggings | cscroggins@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Colleen Lauzier | clauzier@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 7525 Chemin Chambly | 7525 Chemin Chambly | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | St-Hubert, Qc. J3Y 0N7 | St-Hubert, Qc. J3Y 0N7 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/131360617030576/ | https://www.facebook.com/131360617030576/ | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-465-8809 | 450-465-8809 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/rsb.csr/ | https://www.instagram.com/rsb.csr/ | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/commission-scolaire-riverside-school-board/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/commission-scolaire-riverside-school-board/ | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-672-4010 | 450-672-4010 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/CSRiversideSB | https://twitter.com/CSRiversideSB | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://rsb.qc.ca | http://rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3I3_JgEhgcVD37bO1O0Bzg | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3I3_JgEhgcVD37bO1O0Bzg | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary (Director General and Assistant Director General) | Carol Naufal | CNaufal@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | Administration | Administrative Officer (Director General) | Corinne Laydu-Durnin | CLaydu-durnin@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Sophie Lapointe | slapointe@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Administrative Officer | Stylianos Papanikolopoulos | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Administrative Services Supervisor | Melissa Leggitt | mleggitt@rsb.qc.ca | mleggitt@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Centre Director (VT) | Andrea Best | Abest@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Centre Director (VT) | Marie-Ninon Romulus | mromulus@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Centre Director (AGE) | Veronique Granger | vgranger@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Centre Director | Andrea Celtorius | aceltorius@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Francois Couture | fcouture@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 2 | Administration | Centre and VT Services Director | Cathia Mavrikakis | CMavrikakis@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Stylianos Papanikolopoulos | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Francois Couture | fcouture@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 2 | Administration | Centre Director ,CET-A | Cathia Mavrikakis | CMavrikakis@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Stylianos Papanikolopoulos | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Spapanikolopoulos@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Catherine Beatson | CBeatson@rsb.qc.ca | CBeatson@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Kim Grenier | kgrenier@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 2 | Administration | Centre Director | Sophie Lapointe | slapointe@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 2 | Administration | 3 | Administrative Officer | Catherine Beatson | CBeatson@rsb.qc.ca | CBeatson@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Kim Grenier | kgrenier@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Véronique Granger | vgranger@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Center Director | Véronique Granger | vgranger@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 2 | Administration | Director of Services – Adult Education and Vocational Training | David Reddick | dreddick@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator of Services -Adult Educational and Vocational Training -Certification of Studies / RAC | Camille François | CFrancois@rsb.qc.ca | CFrancois@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 2 | Administration | Coordinator of International Student Education SAE | Angela Natalia Jimenez Gomez | AGomezjimenez@rsb.qc.ca | AGomezjimenez@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | CET-A | 1 | 2 | Administration | Centre Director | Cathia Mavrikakis | CMavrikakis@rsb.qc.ca | 0 | Riverside School Board | CET-A | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | CET-A | 1 | 2 | Administration | Assistant Centre Director | Francois Couture | 0 | Riverside School Board | CET-A | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Centres | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/accessrsb/ | https://www.facebook.com/accessrsb/ | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Centres | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Centres | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/access_rsb/ | https://www.instagram.com/access_rsb/ | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Centres | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Centres | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/rsb_access | https://twitter.com/rsb_access | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Centres | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Centres | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca/ | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca/ | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Centres | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 163 Cleghorn | 163 Cleghorn | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | St-Lambert, Qc. J4R 2J4 | St-Lambert, Qc. J4R 2J4 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-676-1350 | 450-676-1350 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-676-1843 | 450-676-1843 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 2121 Darwin | 2121 Darwin | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Ste-Julie, Qc. J3E 0C9 | Ste-Julie, Qc. J3E 0C9 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-645-2370 | 450-645-2370 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Darwin, Ste-Julie | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 638 Guimond, Suite 610 | 638 Guimond, Suite 610 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Longueuil, Qc. J4G 1P8 | Longueuil, Qc. J4G 1P8 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-672-9011 | 450-672-9011 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Guimond, Longueuil | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 3555 Rocheleau | 3555 Rocheleau | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | St-Hubert, Qc. J3Y 4T6 | St-Hubert, Qc. J3Y 4T6 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-676-0366 | 450-676-0366 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-676-3636 | 450-676-3636 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Brossard, Qc. | Brossard, Qc. | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-443-6576 | 450-443-6576 | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/accessrsb/ | https://www.facebook.com/accessrsb/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/access_rsb/ | https://www.instagram.com/access_rsb/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/rsb_access | https://twitter.com/rsb_access | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfnQt9oq7Pn6oYahjX2HTrw | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfnQt9oq7Pn6oYahjX2HTrw | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Community Development Agent CLC | Annie Beauregard | ABeauregard@rsb.qc.ca | ABeauregard@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | Sandra Leggett | sleggett@rsb.qc.ca | sleggett@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Academic Advisor | Victoria Parsons | vparsons@rsb.qc.ca | vparsons@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | CET-A | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Andragogical project Developement officer | Timothy Mahoney | tmahoney@rsb.qc.ca | tmahoney@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | CET-A | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | Sonya Fiocco | SFiocco@rsb.qc.ca | SFiocco@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | Marion Weissmann | mweissmann@rsb.qc.ca | mweissmann@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | Valérie Dubuc | 0 | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | Sandra Leggett | sleggett@rsb.qc.ca | sleggett@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Academic Advisor | Liliana Bresciani | lbresciani@rsb.qc.ca | lbresciani@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Celeste Alberga | calberga@rsb.qc.ca | calberga@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer, Promotions/ Communications | Natasha Macdonald | NMacdonald2@rsb.qc.ca | NMacdonald2@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Netsai Mbanga | nmbanga@rsb.qc.ca | nmbanga@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Academic Advisor | Ivan Arellano | iarellano@rsb.qc.ca | iarellano@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administration Technician | Zahra Al Sendi | zalsendi@rsb.qc.ca | zalsendi@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Jennifer Ann Prokosh | JProkosh@rsb.qc.ca | JProkosh@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Center Secretary | Patricia Macdonald | PMacdonald@rsb.qc.ca | PMacdonald@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Center Secretary | Mia Simmons | MSimmons@rsb.qc.ca | MSimmons@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Cynthia Tachdjan | ctachdjian@rsb.qc.ca | ctachdjian@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Alexandra Melynk | amelnyk2@rsb.qc.ca | amelnyk2@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Darla Shaw | dshaw2@rsb.qc.ca | dshaw2@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Christina Rene De Cotret | crenedecotret@rsb.qc.ca | crenedecotret@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Cleghorn, St-Lambert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | St-Hubert, Brossard | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Adminitrative Technician | Darlene Meehan | dmeehan@rsb.qc.ca | dmeehan@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | St-Hubert, Brossard | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Center Secretary | Hannah Park | hpark4@rsb.qc.ca | hpark4@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Shari Trapnell | Strapnell@rsb.qc.ca | Strapnell@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Taschereau, Brossard | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary | Myriam Mrah | mmrah@rsb.qc.ca | mmrah@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | CET-A | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Secretary | James Brookes | jbrookes@rsb.qc.ca | jbrookes@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | CET-A | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | Professionals (SAE) | Project developement officer | Benedicte Cohen | bcohen@rsb.qc.ca | bcohen@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 1 | Support Staff (SAE) | Administration Technician | Lorraine McRae | lmcrae@rsb.qc.ca | lmcrae@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | ACCESS Royal Oak, St-Hubert | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/275675386402594/ | https://www.facebook.com/275675386402594/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/centre-access/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/centre-access/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/BusinessRsb | https://twitter.com/BusinessRsb | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Brossard, Qc. | Brossard, Qc. | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-443-6576 | 450-443-6576 | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | International Student Educatio | 3 | Coordinates | Webpage CAPSI | https://caps-i.ca/school/riverside-school-board/ | https://caps-i.ca/school/riverside-school-board/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | International Student Education | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | 7900 Taschereau, Building C | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | International Student Education | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Brossard, Qc. | Brossard, Qc. | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | International Student Education | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-443-6576 | 450-443-6576 | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | International Student Education | 3 | Coordinates | Webpage ACCESS | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca/fr/nos-programmes/etudiants-internationnaux/ | https://www.access.rsb.qc.ca/fr/nos-programmes/etudiants-internationnaux/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | SARCA | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/SARCA.RSB/ | https://www.facebook.com/SARCA.RSB/ | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 4 | Professionals | Project Development officer /SAE | Jacynthe Poudrier | jpoudrier@rsb.qc.ca | jpoudrier@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RECIT | 4 | Professionals | Educational consultant | James Burn | Jburn@rsb.qc.ca | Jburn@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RAC | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Delaney Closs | dcloss@rsb.qc.ca | dcloss@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RAC/SARCA | Professionals | Project Development Officer, RAC | Tanya Linkletter | TLinkletter@rsb.qc.ca | TLinkletter@rsb.qc.ca | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | |||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RAC | https://www.facebook.com/Access-RAC-107283437838495 | https://www.facebook.com/Access-RAC-107283437838495 | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RAC | https://www.linkedin.com/company/access-rac/?viewAsMember=true | https://www.linkedin.com/company/access-rac/?viewAsMember=true | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||||
11 | Riverside School Board | 9 | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 5 | RAC | https://twitter.com/RacAccess | https://twitter.com/RacAccess | Riverside School Board | Adult Education and Vocational Services | 0 | ||||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | Russel Copeman | rcopeman@swlauriersb.qc.ca | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Selena Mell | semell@swlauriersb.qc.ca | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 2 | administration | Secretary General | Joanna Ortona | gortona@swlauriersb.qc.ca | gortona@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 235 Montée Lesage | 235 Montée Lesage | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Rosemère, Qc. J7A 4Y6 | Rosemère, Qc. J7A 4Y6 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/SWLSB/ | https://www.facebook.com/SWLSB/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-621-5600 | 450-621-5600 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https | https | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/AEVTatSWLSB | https://www.facebook.com/AEVTatSWLSB | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://bilingualtraining.ca/ | https://bilingualtraining.ca/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Vocational | https://bilingualtraining.ca/vocational-training/about-us/ | https://bilingualtraining.ca/vocational-training/about-us/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Adult | https://bilingualtraining.ca/adult-education/about-us/ | https://bilingualtraining.ca/adult-education/about-us/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Project Developemnt Officer | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 2 | Administration | Coordinator | Lorie Gannon | lgannon@swlauriersb.qc.ca | lgannon@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/qualificaction/ | https://www.facebook.com/qualificaction/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/31432503 | https://www.linkedin.com/company/31432503 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 3 | coordinates | Website | www.qualificaction.ca | www.qualificaction.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Evie Karoubalis | ekaroubalis@swlauriersb.qc.ca | ekaroubalis@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Marie-Andrée Poudrette | mapoudrette@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mapoudrette@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | RAC Services | 4 | Professionals | RAC Development Officer | Anna Bracaglia | abracaglia@swlauriersb.qc.ca | abracaglia@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | Business Services/SAE | 5 | Support staff | Secretary | Jade L'Ecuyer | jlecuyer@swlauriersb.qc.ca | jlecuyer@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 5 | RAC Services | Service | RAC Services | rac@swlauriersb.qc.ca | rac@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Eric Boudreault | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Heather Halman | hhalman@swlauriersb.qc.ca | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Christina Shousha | cshousha@swlauriersb.qc.ca | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Dominic Ouimet | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 2 | Administration | Staff Assistant | Dan Cuvalo | dcuvalo@swlauriersb.qc.ca | dcuvalo@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 246, Allée du Golf | 246, Allée du Golf | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Saint-Eustache (Québec), J7R 0L3 | Saint-Eustache (Québec), J7R 0L3 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/construcplus/ | https://www.facebook.com/construcplus/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.instagram.com/centreconstrucplus/ | https://www.instagram.com/centreconstrucplus/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450 491-8416 | 450 491-8416 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://construcplus.cssmi.qc.ca/en/ | https://construcplus.cssmi.qc.ca/en/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 57 Harriet Street | 57 Harriet Street | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Lachute, Qc. J8H 2C1 | Lachute, Qc. J8H 2C1 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-562-5738 | 450-562-5738 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-562-3721 | 450-562-3721 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 60 Lahaie | 60 Lahaie | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Pont-Viau, Qc. H7G 3A8 | Pont-Viau, Qc. H7G 3A8 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-662-0870 | 450-662-0870 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.linkedin.com/company/cdcpontviau/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/cdcpontviau/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-680-3032 | 450-680-3032 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | http://cdc-pont-viau.org/ | http://cdc-pont-viau.org/ | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 2100, boulevard Des Laurentides | 2100, boulevard Des Laurentides | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Vimont, Qc. H7M 2R5 | Vimont, Qc. H7M 2R5 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 450-633-1290 | 450-633-1290 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 450-688-2933 | 450-688-2933 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Martin Betts | mbetts@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mbetts@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Counsellor - Health | Rosie Calabretta | rcalabretta@swlauriersb.qc.ca | rcalabretta@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Anna Bracaglia | abracaglia@swlauriersb.qc.ca | abracaglia@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Vocational and Academic Information Officer | Deborah Montalvo | dmontalvo@swlauriersb.qc.ca | dmontalvo@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor | Wendy Wootten | wwootten@swlauriersb.qc.ca | wwootten@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Guidance Counsellor and SARCA | Martin Betts | mbetts@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mbetts@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Geneviève Ducharme | gducharme@swlauriersb.qc.ca | gducharme@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Pedagogical Consultant | Giulia Civitarese | gcivitarese@swlauriersb.qc.ca | gcivitarese@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Project Development Officer | Carmela Alaimo | calaimo@swlauriersb.qcca | calaimo@swlauriersb.qcca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 4 | Professionals | Social Worker | Tamara Vachon | tvachon@swlauriersb.qc.ca | tvachon@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | 3 | Administrative Officer | 0 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Construc Plus Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Sandra Thibault | sthibault@swlauriersb.qc.ca | sthibault@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Lachute Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Administrative Technician | Michelle Champagne | michampagne@swlauriersb.qc.ca | michampagne@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Center Secretary | Marysa Vena | mvena@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mvena@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Marysia Karlsbad | mkarlsbad@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mkarlsbad@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | School Organization Technician | Rachel Todaro | rtodaro@swlauriersb.qc.ca | rtodaro@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Centre Secretary | Anna Pizzi | apizzi@swlauriersb.qc.ca | apizzi@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Executive Secretary | Sandra Skaf | sskaf@swlauriersb.qc.ca | sskaf@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Vimont Competency Development Centre | 0 | |||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 10 | Centres of Expertise (CEN) | Sector 01 - Administration, Commerce and Computer Technology / Computer Support | Brian Seltmann | bseltmann@swlauriersb.qc.ca | bseltmann@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 01 | ||
12 | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | 9 | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 10 | Centres of Expertise (CEN) | Sector 01 - Administration, Commerce and Computer Technology / Computer Technology | Maan Abou Hatab | mhatab@swlauriersb.qc.ca | mhatab@swlauriersb.qc.ca | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board | Pont-Viau Competency Development Centre | 1 | 01 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/westernquebec | https://www.facebook.com/westernquebec | Western Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://twitter.com/westernquebec | https://twitter.com/westernquebec | Western Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | |||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://westernquebec.ca/ | https://westernquebec.ca/ | Western Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 1 | School Board | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChleWxNvJQPuHteBewxzRLw?app=desktop | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChleWxNvJQPuHteBewxzRLw?app=desktop | Western Quebec School Board | School Board | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 2 | administration | Director of Education, Adult Education and Vocational Training | Jennifer Dubeau | jdubeau@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Vocational | https://westernquebec.ca/registration/register-for-vocational-training/ | https://westernquebec.ca/registration/register-for-vocational-training/ | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | Adult | https://westernquebec.ca/registration/register-for-adult-education/ | https://westernquebec.ca/registration/register-for-adult-education/ | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | FP Consultant | Andrée Fortin | afortin@wqsb.qc.ca | afortin@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | FG consultant | Martyn Bryant | mbryant@wqsb.qc.ca | mbryant@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 4 | Professionals | SARCA Guidance Counsellor, Loans and Bursaries | Liora Richler | lrichler@wqsb.qc.ca | lrichler@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Student Files | Lyn Fitzsimmons | lfitzsimmons@wqsb.qc.ca | lfitzsimmons@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | 5 | Support Staff | Student Files | Chantal Champagne | cchampagne@wqsb.qc.ca | cchampagne@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | |||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 2 | Continuing Education | 1 | Responsible | Services aux Entreprises | Debra Stephens | dstephens@wqsb.qc.ca | dstephens@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Continuing Education | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Director General | George Singfield | georgesingfield@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Scott Cavers | scottcavers@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Sheldon Macgillivray | smacgillivray@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Pontiac Adult Education and Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Debra Stephens | dstephens@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Pontiac Adult Education and Vocational Training Centre | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Western Quebec Career Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Damian Curley | dcurley@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Western Quebec Career Centre | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Western Quebec Continuing Education Centre | 1 | 1 | Administration | 1 | Centre Director | Sheldon MacGillivray | smacgillivray@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Western Quebec Continuing Education Centre | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 2 | administration | 2 | Assistant Director General | Pascal Proulx | pproulx@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 2 | administration | 2 | Assistant Centre Director | Sheldon MacGillivray | smacgillivray@wqsb.qc.ca | 0 | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 15 Katimavik | 15 Katimavik | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Board Name | Western Quebec School Board | Western Quebec School Board | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Gatineau, Qc. J9J 0E9 | Gatineau, Qc. J9J 0E9 | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-684-9061 | 819-684-9061 | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Board Office | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-684-2336 | 819-684-2336 | Western Quebec School Board | Board Office | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 185 rue Archambault | 185 rue Archambault | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Gatineau (Hull), Qc. J8Y 5E3 | Gatineau (Hull), Qc. J8Y 5E3 | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | aehull@wqsb.qc.ca | aehull@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | |||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-776-4126 | 819-776-4126 | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-595-1226 | 819-595-1226 | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Hull Adult Education Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Website | https://www.hulladulteducationcentre.com/ | https://www.hulladulteducationcentre.com/ | Western Quebec School Board | Hull Adult Education Centre | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 265 Hill Street | 265 Hill Street | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | City, PC | Maniwaki, Qc. J9E 2G8 | Maniwaki, Qc. J9E 2G8 | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | aemaniwaki@wqsb.qc.ca | aemaniwaki@wqsb.qc.ca | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | |||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | https://www.facebook.com/411543938929517/ | https://www.facebook.com/411543938929517/ | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | |||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Fax | 819-449-4171 | 819-449-4171 | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Phone | 819-449-1731 | 819-449-1731 | Western Quebec School Board | Maniwaki Adult Education and Vocational Training | 0 | ||||
13 | Western Quebec School Board | 9 | Pontiac Adult Education and Vocational Training Centre | 1 | 3 | Coordinates | Address | 455 Maple Street, P.O. Box 4600 | 455 Maple Street, P.O. Box 4600 | Western Quebec School Board | Pontiac Adult Education and Vocational Training Centre | 0 |