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Fédération des centres de services scolaires du Québec (FCSSQ)

Fédération des centres de services scolaires du Québec (FCSSQ)

The Fédération des centers de services scolaire du Québec (FCSSQ) brings together all the...

PROCEDE January 25, 2021

Carrefour Éducation

La mission de Carrefour éducation est de fournir aux enseignants du préscolaire, du primaire...

April 4, 2020

Learning Chocolate

A vocabulary learning platform for students to improve vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

April 3, 2020


Game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools and other educational institutions.

PROCEDE March 31, 2020


A guided way for students to learn a new language. 

March 30, 2020

Cadre 21

Le CADRE21 est un projet à but non lucratif qui a comme mandat de...

March 24, 2020
PROCEDE November 29, 2019
LEARN Quebec

LEARN Quebec

LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit educational organization with a...

PROCEDE November 29, 2019


The Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec – LCEEQ is a collaborative professional...

PROCEDE November 29, 2019