Learning styles activity
The learning styles activity allows staff to identify which of the 3-learning style(s) they...

Reading: from the classroom to the workplace
Explicit reading instruction and tools to use in class. Three situations: 3 different student...

Discover your Google Application for Education (GAFE) Enterprise Plus account
An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning: learn about new features create or modify...

DIY Workshops series
Live step by step follow along to make the tool recorded and made available...

Discover applied tech tools in teaching
Using existing activities incorporating tech tools, we explore the andragogical use and encourage connections...

Applying to be the trade resource centre for the CEN
Understand the mission and mandate for the Centre for Expertise Network, what this status...

Learn about Smart TV local and Lumio online platform
Byte-sized learning capsules on how to use the different features and in what teaching...

Tech tools in action
An interactive, participatory workshop using tech to solve a teaching problem lack of student...

Google for Education Plus: Google Meet - Understanding and exploring the new features
An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning about meet chat whiteboard poll breakout rooms...

Social Media in Trades
How to incorporate a digital portfolio of learning on social media and leverage it...

How to enhance common VT teaching strategies
Participatory workshop where we explore how to take commonly used teaching strategy in VT...

Explaining PROCEDE services, VT specific
PROCEDE services for the Voc sector. Given as an interactive, exploratory activity workshop. This...

Explaining PROCEDE services, Global perspective
An interactive, participatory workshop where VT actors can discover PROCEDE and the many possibilities...

Discover and sign up for the VT social media site VT.Procede.ca, designed to encourage...