Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the first museum...
Black history in Canada
“During Black History Month, people in Canada celebrate the many achievements and contributions of...

The Round Table on Black History Month
The Round Table on Black History Month is a non-profit organization that promotes activities...
Black History Month 2021 at Place Cartier Adult Centre
Place Cartier Adult centre will be sharing activities and resources throughout Black History Month,...
CEMEQ is a non-profit organization that develops educational materials designed for vocational training in...

Fédération des centres de services scolaires du Québec (FCSSQ)
The Fédération des centers de services scolaire du Québec (FCSSQ) brings together all the...

Québec métiers d'avenir
We are mandated by the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur and Québec’s...
Social Media and Me
A big part of the Place Cartier experience is learning about oneself… I wanted...
Black Lives Matter to our Cartier Community
This is the final project for our Social Media and ME course at Place...
Indigenous Educational Project
During our time at Place Cartier Adult Center in the Origins class of 2020,...

Équipe-Choc - AGE Community
L’Équipe Choc - Pedagogical is a team of consultants mandated to support the anglophone...

PACC Social Integration Services Website
This site was created by Debra Dupont and Karen Dupont (PACC SIS Teachers) ...

Vocational Training Observatory of Quebec
L’Observatoire s’est donné comme premiers objectifs de soutenir les enseignants de FP dans leur...