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Find Your Own Trade

Find Your Own Trade

Find Your Own Trade is the most comprehensive and simplified gateway to researching and...

PROCEDE August 11, 2020
National Center for Biotechnology Information

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Access to biomedical and genomic information.

PROCEDE May 27, 2020

COVID-19: Moving Toward Online Learning

The RECIT AGE team has prepared a list of subject-specific resources and articles to...

PROCEDE April 6, 2020

GCF Global

Online tutorials to learn about Office software like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access

April 5, 2020

Directory of Semi-skilled Trades

A list from the MEES for students to explore the kinds of jobs they...

April 5, 2020


This site includes a clear graphic organizer for preparing a CV as well as...

April 5, 2020

Self-Determination Survey

This resource includes tutorials on the concept of “self-determination” as well as self-assessment tools...

April 5, 2020

ABC Life Literacy

Financial literacy, health literacy, workplace literacy, family literacy. This site provides a variety of...

April 5, 2020

Canadian Encyclopedia

Confused about a topic, event, or person in Canadian history? Find more info here.

April 5, 2020

History of Quebec & Canada resource center

Website created by LBPSB. Students can review HST-4016 & HST-4017 course content and practice...

April 5, 2020

Le Panier Bleu

L’initiative Le Panier Bleu encourage les Québécois à privilégier les produits et les commerces...

April 5, 2020

Carrefour Éducation

La mission de Carrefour éducation est de fournir aux enseignants du préscolaire, du primaire...

April 4, 2020

3 levels of reading exercises with questions (also available in PDF)

April 4, 2020


Online grammar & spell checker, also has translation & dictionary & conjugation features

April 4, 2020

Clé Montréal

Les différentes activités proposées sont conçues pour des adultes en processus d'alphabétisation au Québec. 

April 4, 2020

TV5 Monde

Exercices adaptés selon différents niveaux (A1 à B2).  

April 3, 2020