Miguel Massa - to the World Skills!
Watch the @CBC Montreal interview with Miguel, Bricklaying student who is making waves in...

Byte Size News - June 2023
As we come to the end of another school year, the RÉCIT VT team...
Work-study program in Retail Butchery
Yesterday, the Association des détaillants en alimentation du Québec (ADAQ) and the Lester B....

RÉCIT AGE Newsletter - June 2023
Our 2022-2023 school year is almost over. It has been busy, fun, and most...

L'Équipe-choc Pedagogical Newsletter - June 2023
Once again, we find ourselves in the last stretch before summer vacations. It’s hard...

Pair working to revive the lost skill of fish tanning
The pair recently hosted fish-tanning workshops in Akulivik and Ivujivik, as part of the...

Going to the World Skills
Miguel Massa, Bricklaying student from the Access Career Centre (Riverside School Board) competed in...

Three LBPSB Students Competing in the Vocational Olympiades
We’re excited to introduce the three LBPSB students who are heading to the Olympiades...

Job Opportunity - Resource Teacher (Orthopédagogue)
Orthopédagogue - National support in adult and professional general education for the English-speaking sector, Centre...

Voc Talk café by Après-cours
The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat live...

L'Équipe-Choc English Community Newsletter - May 2023
As nature is awakening and sunnier days are upon us, many of us are...

Team Québec 2023
On May 27th, 2023, Vocational Olympiads winners Miguel Massa (Bricklaying, Access Career Centre, Riverside...

Culinary school prepping thousands of meals
Students at the Pearson School of Culinary Arts are preparing thousands of meals for...

RÉCIT-VT Byte Size News - May 2023
We just published the 8th issue of Byte Size News in this school year....

Vocational Excellence
The annual Olympiades québécoises des métiers et des technologies were held this week in Quebec City. ...

RÉCIT AGE Newsletter - May 2023
It’s already MAY! Time flies when you are having fun. The RÉCIT AGE Team...