Carpentry students get hands-on experience at Montreal-area electrical school
Several local carpentry students were given a special assignment this week — build a...

Quebec trade schools booming
Staff at the Pearson Electrotechnology Centre say the school is bursting at the seams....
Daniela Garza, Pedagogical Consultant for the VT English sector
We would like to inform the PROCEDE community of the hiring of Daniela Garza,...
PROCEDE 2020 Recognition Awards
PROCEDE has a tradition of recognizing members and other individuals or groups who have...

This website has been developed for all Quebec Adult General Education teachers to use...
RECIT-VT News December 2020
This month, the RECIT-VT team hosted webinars on a variety of topics, including Microsoft...

Vocational Training Observatory of Quebec Launch Event
L'Observatoire de la formation professionnelle du Québec will hold its Virtual launch on December...
15th Congrès AQIFGA
The fifteenth Congrès de l’Association québécoise des intervenantes et des intervenants en formation générale...
RECIT-VT Website update
The RECIT-VT website has had a major revamp and update done recently. Head on...

QESBA a proud annual sponsor of ‘Chapeau, les filles!’
The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) is proud to salute all of the...