Coping with math anxiety at JFKAEC
As students head back to school, John F. Kennedy Adult Education Center is launching...

Table nationale de concertation RÉCIT-FP
Vocational training teachers, professionals, administrators and technicians are invited to the Table nationale de...
ACCESS Tire Change Challenge 2023
The annual ACCESS Tire Change Challenge promised to be a heated event. Our local...
Holiday dishes to wow your guests
Home entertaining goes hand-in-hand with celebrating with friends and families. Pius Culinary Institute Chef...

Q & A Video Gallery – Resource Centre
Come visit our Q & A Video Gallery – resource centre with 30 videos. We...

SI Fitness Games
Social Integration students across the province are invited to join the first ever SI...

Youtube channel from WQCC former students
Western Quebec Career Center former students Kevin Roy and Aiden Hamilton are a duo...

SIS Film Festival
Here is the full length version of the SIS Film Festival held on April...

José Moreira (I Belong Digital Storytelling)
Hi! My name is José Moreira! I am a student at Galileo Adult Education...