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PROCEDE May 29, 2023
Three LBPSB Students Competing in the Vocational Olympiades

Three LBPSB Students Competing in the Vocational Olympiades

We’re excited to introduce the three LBPSB students who are heading to the Olympiades...

PROCEDE May 26, 2023
Job Opportunity - Resource Teacher (Orthopédagogue)

Job Opportunity - Resource Teacher (Orthopédagogue)

Orthopédagogue - National support in adult and professional general education for the English-speaking sector, Centre...

PROCEDE May 25, 2023
Voc Talk café by Après-cours

Voc Talk café by Après-cours

The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat  live...

PROCEDE May 23, 2023
L'Équipe-Choc English Community Newsletter - May 2023

L'Équipe-Choc English Community Newsletter - May 2023

As nature is awakening and sunnier days are upon us, many of us are...

PROCEDE May 21, 2023
Team Québec 2023

Team Québec 2023

On May 27th, 2023, Vocational Olympiads winners Miguel Massa (Bricklaying, Access Career Centre, Riverside...