GCF Global
Online tutorials to learn about Office software like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access
Canadian Encyclopedia
Confused about a topic, event, or person in Canadian history? Find more info here.
Video playlists for HST-4017
Video playlists for HST-4017 created by former History teacher Emilie Bowles.
Video playlist for HST-4016
Video playlist for HST-4016 created by former History teacher Emilie Bowles.
History of Quebec & Canada resource center
Website created by LBPSB. Students can review HST-4016 & HST-4017 course content and practice...
Podcast français facile
Lots of great listening exercises of various difficulty with transcript & questions
3 levels of reading exercises with questions (also available in PDF)
Online grammar & spell checker, also has translation & dictionary & conjugation features
Podcast France Culture
Émissions de radio de 3 à 5 min sur l’actualité. Transcription intégrale incluse
Clé Montréal
Les différentes activités proposées sont conçues pour des adultes en processus d'alphabétisation au Québec.
Ressources pour améliorer vos competences en lecture, à l’orale, et à l'écriture
Éducaloi - Éducation aux adultes
These French resources help students learn about various laws and rights in Quebec.
Free access to online K12 leveled French audiovisual read-aloud books using username “aquilafrench” and...
ELLO (English Listening Lessons Online)
Offers over 2,500 free listening lessons. Students can access activities for both beginner, intermediate,...