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GCF Global

Online tutorials to learn about Office software like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access

April 5, 2020

Canadian Encyclopedia

Confused about a topic, event, or person in Canadian history? Find more info here.

April 5, 2020

Video playlists for HST-4017

Video playlists for HST-4017 created by former History teacher Emilie Bowles.

April 5, 2020

Video playlist for HST-4016

Video playlist for HST-4016  created by former History teacher Emilie Bowles.

April 5, 2020

History of Quebec & Canada resource center

Website created by LBPSB. Students can review HST-4016 & HST-4017 course content and practice...

April 5, 2020

Podcast français facile

Lots of great listening exercises of various difficulty with transcript & questions

April 4, 2020

3 levels of reading exercises with questions (also available in PDF)

April 4, 2020


Online grammar & spell checker, also has translation & dictionary & conjugation features

April 4, 2020

Podcast France Culture

Émissions de radio de 3 à 5 min sur l’actualité. Transcription intégrale incluse

April 4, 2020

Clé Montréal

Les différentes activités proposées sont conçues pour des adultes en processus d'alphabétisation au Québec. 

April 4, 2020


Ressources pour améliorer vos competences en lecture, à l’orale, et à l'écriture

April 4, 2020

Éducaloi - Éducation aux adultes

These French resources help students learn about various laws and rights in Quebec.

April 4, 2020


Free access to online K12 leveled French audiovisual read-aloud books using username “aquilafrench” and...

April 4, 2020

ELLO (English Listening Lessons Online)

Offers over 2,500 free listening lessons. Students can access activities for both beginner, intermediate,...

April 3, 2020