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Riverside at the Montérégie Regional Olympiads

PROCEDE - February 27, 2020 - 0 comments

ACCESS saw six students participate in three disciplines at the Regional Olympiades that were held across the Monteregie during the first three weeks of February.

Health, Assistance and Nursing were held Feb 12th in St-Jean Sur Richelieu. Our students and coaches used this event as time to prepare for the students OIIAQ exams that are upcoming at the end of their program. Congratulations Alecia, Angela, coach Jeremy and coach Naveed on all of your hard work and preparation.

Auto Mechanics Regional competition were held in St-Hyacinthe on February 20th. Because of high interest from our students in participating in the Olympiades our Auto Mechanic department held a local competition in early October to select the top two qualifiers to represent team ACCESS at the Regional Olympiades. Mark Wilkins and John Moshonas represented ACCESS very well, and used this experience to share their passion for Auto Mechanics with other students across the region. They were also supported by their peers as the Auto Mechanic department arranged for a field trip to observe the competition and support John and Mark, a demonstration of a real team effort! Well done to team ACCESS!

Bricklaying regional competition took place in Longueuil on February 21st, our students Charles Duclos and Massimo Granitto enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the event. Coach Stephane also enjoyed the competition and the opportunity provided for our students. Coach Stephane described his team as “On est des battants” , and looks forward to taking this experience and growing to be ready for 2022!

Congrats to all our students and coaches on all your hard work for this competition. ACCESS was very well represented.


John Moshonas (Auto Mechanic)
Mark Wilkins (Auto Mechanics)
Charles Duclos (Bricklaying)
Massimo Granitto (Bricklaying)
Alessia Caputo Fracassi (Health, Assistance and Nursing)
Angela Michalle Green (Health, Assistance and Nursing)

Coaches: Pierre Beaucage (Auto), Francis Noiseux (Auto), Patrice Durocher (Auto), Stephane Landry (Bricklaying), Gerard Breton (Bricklaying), Naveed Hussain (Health, Assistance and Nursing) and Jeremy Theodore (Health, Assistance and Nursing)


Dave Reddick
Assistant Centre Director
Access Adult Education and Career Training Centre