James Burn
Educational consultant with the Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education....
RECIT-VT Byte Size News - October 2022
Welcome to the October RÉCIT Vocational Training newsletter: pedagogical and technological information for the busy people of vocational...
RÉCIT-VT Newsletter - September 2022
Welcome to the September RÉCIT-VT newsletter: pedagogical and technological information for the busy people of vocational training.
RÉCIT VT newsletter 2
Welcome to the second instalment of our RÉCIT VT newsletter: byte-sized tech for busy...
Byte-sized tech news for busy people in VT
Welcome to our new segment, RÉCIT VT byte-sized tech for busy people in vocational education,...
Anglophone Community Expo Online
The RÉCIT AGE and RÉCIT VT teams are proud to host the Anglophone Community...
Voc Talk - January 2022
Conferences. Ah, yes. The modus operandi of professional development in education. Teachers working with the classic...
Call for presenters - ACE Online Conference
RÉCIT VT has partnered with RÉCIT AGE to present the ACE online conference on March 16,...
Voc Talk - December 2021 Newsletter
Thank you for all the lovely feedback about the newsletter! I am happy to...
RÉCIT VT News and Updates - November 2021
RÉCIT VT is proud and excited to partner up with RECIT AGE to bring you ACE...