SI Fitness Games
Social Integration students across the province are invited to join the first ever SI...
Tutoring : Creating Trusting Relationships Between Students and Teachers
Check out this article featured in the latest edition of the Services éducatifs complémentaires...
ACCESS revamps bikes for the community (in French)
Au printemps dernier, les élèves du Centre d’éducation des adultes et de formation professionnelle...
Career Opportunity - Drone Pilot Instructor
The Riverside School Board is currently seeking drone certification instructors to take on the...
Program of Study
Guidelines to evaluation in vocational training
Introduction to Local Exams Creation
Ventures / Ventures+
The ACCESS Centre's Social Integration Program is designed for adults with special needs, such...
Unik Boutik - Ventures
Special Needs Adults learning work skills through the means of creating beautiful products for...
CCBE Literacy Resources
Our goal in creating these resources is to create learning materials that are appropriate...
Riverside at the Montérégie Regional Olympiads
ACCESS saw six students participate in three disciplines at the Regional Olympiades that were...