5 things to know about classroom management like the 5 fingers of your hand.

For the Google users, this is a great site that has a tonne of pedagogical suggestions on how to integrate digital skills learning into your content, all integrated into the G-suite.

Understand the mission and mandate for the Centre for Expertise Network, what this status entails for the centre, the liaison teacher and the network, and what support will be given, including how to fill out the application form.
This is a 45-minute workshop.

A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Industry symposium: Discussing workforce performance expectations of entry-level skills
Workshop: Rendering performance expectations visible
Workshop: Exploring verb taxonomy in the program of study
Workshop: Describe performance expectations of core trade skills

This guide is part of a project of the 9 English School Boards of Quebec (PROCEDE) towards their educational responsibility in the process of Reconciliation. The aim is in response to the recommendations by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and the Quebec Viens Report to ensure a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Peoples and equipping future health sector graduates with the tools and awareness to contribute to a more inclusive environment and welcoming diversity. This project has been fully funded by the Directors’ General of the 9 School boards.
Plateforme de formation au numérique offerte par le RÉCIT.

English Exam for Teacher Certification (EETC)
CEMEQ is a non-profit organization that develops educational materials designed for vocational training in collaboration with Quebec school service centers.
- Mailing List subscription: Click here
- Archives: click here
- Website: https://www.cemeq.qc.ca/
New-media resource about entrepreneurial women in the food world, from cooks to mixologists to food writers, and everything in between

Happy Teaching Moments
Christian Jacques
Secretarial & Accounting (French)
Eastern Shores School Board
I like using the interactive tools in Zoom to have students compare the quality of translations using the same base text in different platforms: Reverse, DeepL, and Google Translate.
I am happy when students peruse a list of translation tools and resources and I hear a student say: ‘Yes! I can definitely use this!
I love combining a lecture-style course with a French workbook resource and translating live with the students as we go. I eases their anxiety as they practice their oral interactions with myself & each other.
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20 strategies for classroom management
Join us in discovering the world of VT and learn what is has to offer. This Website contains a multitude of information on vocational training including a description of all training programs in the five school boards on the Island-of-Montreal.

What the heck is pedagogy anyway? It’s a fancy word for the study of teaching. I think it’s a word we should use more. And one more thing: About the word “Cult.” It’s kind of a joke. This isn’t actually a cult. The phrase is a play on the phrase Cult of Personality, which was a thing long before Living Colour released this song (a month after I graduated high school). Anyway, because I’ve always been pretty obsessed with education, I thought it would be a good name for a gathering of people who share that obsession.

How might my classroom be redesigned to better meet my students needs?
Online/app graphing calculator with pre-made examples. See this page for a list of activities tailored to the Quebec adult ed curriculum

Short video on differentiation instruction
Fantastic downloadable learning packages in many, many languages!

Great learning capsules of different digital skills, offered at different levels. Good for both teachers and students!

Using existing activities incorporating tech tools, we explore the andragogical use and encourage connections to other tools and teaching situations. We create a communal brain dump of all the tools seen and at the end, teachers sign up to play with the tools more. A follow up workshop where teachers show and tell the tools they worked with.
This is a 3-hour, 2-part workshop, with 2-3 months in between.

An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning:
- learn about new features
- create or modify teaching and learning activities to use the tools
- troubleshoot the tool.
This is a 2-hour workshop

Live step by step follow along to make the tool recorded and made available
- UDL in VT with a student research activity using slides or ppt
- UDL in VT students using the camera and image edit function to self assess their work
- SAMR in VT using an existing image-labeling activity
This is a 1.5-hour workshop.
A guided way for students to learn a new language.

The Educational Pedagogical Consultants – VT (EPC-VT) designed learning capsules about education vocabulary and concepts in vocational training (VT) for VT teachers and centre personnel. It is administered as blended learning, with asynchronous and synchronous learning pieces, and assessments self- or group-administered.
Inspirations’ database shares over 500 resources, from education to counseling, to tutoring, vocational services, camps and respite care. The database is available right here for your perusal.
Programs: everything you need to know about the CCBE and DBE courses. Resources: pedagogical materials, helpful websites & legal documents. Events calendar: workshops, conferences, surveys…

An interactive, participatory workshop where VT actors can discover PROCEDE and the many possibilities of support for vocational training. The goal of the activity is to familiarize everyone with what PROCEDE does, how it can help you, meet the team and create a personal resource tool.
This is a 1-hour workshop.

PROCEDE services for the Voc sector. Given as an interactive, exploratory activity workshop.
This is a 30-45 minute workshop.

The Fair Dealing Decision Tool helps teachers decide whether “fair dealing” permits classroom use of print materials, artistic works, or audiovisual materials without first getting copyright permission. The tool helps teachers determine whether a specific intended classroom use is allowed by the Fair Dealing Guidelines.

This is a Powerpoint which can be edited for any purpose. Change name of teams, change questions, answers, and play! You will need the actual “answers” and their position on the slides to be able to mimic the game show.

Find Your Own Trade is the most comprehensive and simplified gateway to researching and finding skilled trades in Québec. The profiles are simple and to the point, allowing you to explore different trades and their respective vocational and technical training programs. In one quick glance you can consult labour market information such as placement rates, hourly wages and job prospects.

This website presents the VT offer in the Montérégie area.
The 22 FP centers are represented there and a “click” or “touch” redirects the visitor to the website of one or the other of the centers. More than 100 training courses (DEP and ASP) are listed there and a “click” or “touch” allows you to obtain the description, as well as the name of the Centres which offer this program. It is also possible to sort by training sector or to search using a keyword.
(In French with English references to Centres)

An interactive workshop designed for hands-on learning about
- meet chat
- whiteboard
- poll
- breakout rooms
This is a 1-hour workshop.

Google’s free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

I have had the immense privilege of see my fellow VT teachers in their natural element – teaching their trade. I would like to take a moment to say thanks for all the great teaching you do, and thank you for being so willing to share how you connect with students. Those moments make me so happy! I think other teachers would like to be inspired to – I love hearing what VT teachers are doing, and it gives me great ideas for teaching my trade. Here are a few.

Participatory workshop where we explore how to take commonly used teaching strategy in VT and using specific examples, add elements to encourage student participation and information retention.
This is a 1-hour workshop.

Always changing, Inforoute FPT has become the premiere website for Vocational and Technical Training (VTT) in Québec. The site covers many MEES dossiers and offers a multitude of products and services directly related to the field of education.

List of interactive techniques.

Educational consultant with the Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education.
eMail: jburn@rsb.qc.ca

Happy Teaching Moments
Joseph Rainone
Automated Systems Electromechanics
English Montreal school Board
My favourite teaching moment is when I help students get a stage placement that leads to a job after graduation. The students see that all the work they put in to getting their diploma was fruitful. Often, the students I teach have a hard, defensive shell because of a rigid education experience that didn’t meet
their needs. When a student says to me that I helped them have a positive experience, I am happy.
And Robots. We build robots. How cool is that?!?
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Lesson planning taking differentiation into account
Practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard (also available as an app)

Byte-sized learning capsules on how to use the different features and in what teaching context. Innovative learning situation with lots of participation!
These are 15-30 minutes each.

The learning styles activity allows staff to identify which of the 3-learning style(s) they are by taking a quick quiz. They apply those criteria to their program and explain to the group how they would change their teaching approach to match the 3 styles. At the end, an exit ticket is done to show understanding of the concepts.
Want to run it yourself, download all the files and instructions.
- Learning Styles Quiz
- Tasks examples
- Learning styles activity for vocational education teachers
- Plickers Cards
- Exit ticket
This is a 1.2 to 2 hour workshop

35 useful links to literacy resources

Guide to address the needs of struggling learners in the classroom.
Reading and writing in education have always been a priority, but they have encountered trends and fads that may have led educators and learners down an inefficacious path. This literacy guide is not prescriptive, but instead offers some researched and proven instructional pedagogy that can help bridge the gap between the mandate and the classroom reality.

Introduction to Local Exams Creation

Educational consultant with the Lester B Pearson School Board and RÉCIT Regional Service for Vocational Education.
eMail: marc.vezina@recit.qc.ca

Coordinator of the Business Solutions Group, responsible for RAC, STB, continuing education marketing and testing.
eMail: mnewton02@lbpsb.qc.ca

Miller offers a variety of resources for all welders, from experienced professionals to those learning how to weld. Explore our resources to find welding tips to improve your skills, welding videos for step-by-step project instructions and updates on new welding technologies, or to access the Miller Welding Forum and connect with welders like you.

Miriam Furfaro, Conseillère en formation scolaire, Responsable du SARCA National – English Sector
Services éducatifs aux adultes, Centre de services scolaire des Mille‐Îles
email: Miriam.Furfaro@cssmi.qc.ca

Happy Teaching Moments
Nicola Robineau-Roberge
Professional cooking / Market Fresh Cuisine
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Having students evaluate the work of their peers
Inviting a guest chef to co-teach a specialty sushi or chocolate class.
Projecting my live demos onto the large screen with an iPad and recording it so the students can use it as a reference.
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The Ministry of Education (MEES) has put up a website to offer resources for all students of the province. Here, you will find thousands of resources for learning, creating, having fun and staying active, just like at school.

The objective of this collaborative initiative is to create brief videos related to current standardized healthcare practices in Québec. The series will provide visual and interactive materials for healthcare nursing staff and students. The training videos conform to Québec’s standardized procedures as defined by the online platform Méthodes de soins informatisées (MSI) (https://msi.expertise-sante.com/en)

PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology.


It is the Québec government’s aim to reorient the efforts of the education system so that they are centred on students, who are, after all, its prime focus. I am therefore pleased to present the Policy on the Evaluation of Learning, in particular because it encourages us to make better use of evaluation and ensure that it is at the service of students. While respecting each sector’s specific characteristics, the policy presents a unified vision of evaluation of learning for general education in the youth sector, general
education in the adult sector and vocational training.

A list of preferred resources as identified by PROCEDE consultants

Qualificaction, the business service of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, specializes in tailor-made training for businesses in various sectors of activity. The Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board has extensive experience in continuing education and corporate training.

The questions in this document were expressed by various stakeholders during provincewide training sessions over a four-year period.
The answers provided here are based on the reflective practice of resource persons who have worked with adults with learning, behavioural or other psychological problems for many years.

Explicit reading instruction and tools to use in class.
Three situations: 3 different student profiles. Teachers must discuss how to help those 3 students. Then, we go over the tools and talk about how to use them in class. Reading strategies and tools to incorporate in class.
This is a 1 to 3-hour workshop.

The RECIT-VT team provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms, as well as webinars and ressources specifically targeted to our Vocational clientele. Stakeholders can book a meeting to meet with the team to discuss any topic, get troubleshooting help, arrange a training session or workshop.

Ministry reference framework for planning learning activities and evaluation in VT

As schools close across the country and as skilled trades teachers work to reach students who are sheltering at home, Harbor Freight Tools for Schools hosted three online conversations among our network of skilled trades teachers to ask: how are you teaching skilled trades online?
Below, we’ve compiled their recommended ideas and resources for remote trades teaching and learning. Scroll down for resources divided by trade!

Provincial vocational education consultant, supporting and facilitating collaboration between the vocational centres of the English and Indigenous school boards in Quebec.
eMail: rlong@lbpearson.ca

Happy Teaching Moments
Robin Long
Professional Cooking
Lester B. Pearson School Board
I am happy with an activity where the students evaluated a commercial ice cream for taste and cost value, then decided which brand to serve during Menu du Jour service.
I am happy with my teaching strategy where I start the class with a 10-min group discussion about what we learned last class and what information we can use in today’s class.
I love using live translation apps with international students struggling with English to help them understand ingredients in recipes.
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You will find definitions of the most frequently encountered difficulties and disorders, their manifestations,
their impact on learning, interventions to be put in place for teachers and pedagogical consultants, and
support tools for students.

How to incorporate a digital portfolio of learning on social media and leverage it for future trade integration and life-long learning mindset.
This is a 1-hour workshop.

SOFAD’s mission is to provide school boards with the printed and online learning materials they need, given the variety of educational settings, training methods and learning paths, and to make its expertise available to other networks and organizations.

Happy Teaching Moments
Spencer Buttle
Institutional and Home Care Assistance
Eastern Shores School Board
Teaching Strategy
I like incorporating games into the student learning activities, both digital and not. I use
digital platforms like Kahoot, Jeopardy, and Wheel of Fortune. I use crossword puzzles to
learn vocabulary, and often ask the students to contribute the words. The students like having
fun with the learning.
Teaching Strategy
I keep the classroom as stress-free and relaxed as possible while they reflect on themselves. I use
humour and realism in the practical lab. I act as the patient and add realistic elements from my
experience that keep them on their toes. I often ask students to suggest scenarios for learning situations
and they enjoy adding funny elements. It is a great way for them to practice their communication and
relational skills!
Teaching Activity
I often add parts to my lessons that gets them to take a break and make them aware that their needs
are important. I do 5-minute exercise breaks with an 80’s music vibe from Richard Simmons to
recenter their minds. The student laugh and participate, and it makes for a fun moment!
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In accordance with a section of the Educational Act, vocational training centres must adopt standards and procedures proposed by the teachers and approved by the Centre’s administration from which the Executive Committee is informed.
The standards and procedures are defined taking into account the evaluation aspects of the educational institution, the School Board and the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES).

This guide is part of a project of the 9 English School Boards of Quebec (PROCEDE) towards their educational responsibility in the process of Reconciliation. The aim is in response to the recommendations by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and the Quebec Viens Report to ensure a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Peoples and equipping future health sector graduates with the tools and awareness to contribute to a more inclusive environment and welcoming diversity. This project has been fully funded by the Directors’ General of the 9 School boards.
This version of the project is aimed at teachers in the Business/Commerce programs.

Guide to differentiation instruction from Ontario


EDUCATION ACT – Chapter I-13.3

The HEC has put out a series of teaching and learning infographics that can be shared.

Including technologies that can support them.

An interactive, participatory workshop using tech to solve a teaching problem
- lack of student engagement online – slides or ppt
- student self-assessment – video capture with Screencastify
- student support for autonomous projects – whiteboard
This a 1-hour workshop.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. The TPACK framework extends Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

The VT Effect is 10 vocational training centers (VT) and a service to businesses in the region, united to offer a complete range of vocational training in Estrie.

Video explaining UDL

If you use a keyboard every day, you might not remember how difficult learning to type can be. Our learners ask for typing help more than anything else—and we haven’t found many free resources worth recommending. So we decided to create our own
In the past decade, there have been unprecedented ways to examine the living brain and to better understand what happens during learning. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was nspired by such advances in cognitive neuroscience research and offers a framework that integrates what we know about the learning brain to inform the design of environments that support all learners.

Designing meaningful and challenging experiences for all learners

Gathering information about a learner’s performance to make educational decisions

The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat live about teaching a trade in today’s world. Originally launched in November 2021, the Voc Talk Café is now brought to you, on Zoom, by VT.PROCEDE and RÉCIT VT in collaboration with les Après-cours. The meetings are a safe space to get information and discuss issues, concerns and successes in the vocational training community.
Every second Monday at 3:00 PM, the session is focused on a specific trade sector but remains open to all vocational educators. The first 15 minutes are dedicated to information and the next 45 minutes to discussion and exploration.
To join, on the day and time of the meeting, visit the Après-cours site and click the big red button here to be admitted in the virtual room.
This is a 1-hour workshop

Program of Study

Guidelines to evaluation in vocational training

Some learners (adults and young people under 18) who undertake vocational training in English-language School Boards in Quebec can experience difficulties in reading, writing and mathematics in the language of instruction (English) and sometimes with the second language (French).
This annual project aims to identify learners with learning difficulties (learner profile) and to offer them an individualized plan.

Discover and sign up for the VT social media site VT.Procede.ca, designed to encourage communication and sharing between tradespeople teaching in Quebec. An interactive, participatory workshop to navigate and contribute to VT.Procede.ca.
This is a 2-hour workshop.