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Adult Education Newsletter - February 2020
Jean Bouchard February 19, 2020
Après-cours FGA

Après-cours FGA

La mission des Après-cours FGA est d’accompagner et de soutenir les acteurs de la...

Jean Bouchard February 16, 2020
Alexandrie FGA

Alexandrie FGA

This is where you can share and find educational material and tools created for...

Jean Bouchard February 16, 2020
Campus RECIT

Campus RECIT

Plateforme de formation au numérique offerte par le RÉCIT. 

Jean Bouchard February 16, 2020
Jean Bouchard February 16, 2020


The RÉCIT for Adult General Education team supports the nine English School Boards of...

Jean Bouchard February 15, 2020
English Pedagogical Consultants (EPC)

English Pedagogical Consultants (EPC)

The English Pedagogical Consultants working group helps coordinate support for adult education teachers within...

Jean Bouchard February 15, 2020
Adult Education Newsletter - January 2020
Jean Bouchard February 15, 2020
Compétences Québec
PROCEDE February 6, 2020
RÉCIT-VT Provincial Service

RÉCIT-VT Provincial Service

The RECIT-VT team provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms, as...

PROCEDE November 29, 2019
RECIT Provincial
PROCEDE November 29, 2019
LEARN Quebec

LEARN Quebec

LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network) is a non-profit educational organization with a...

PROCEDE November 29, 2019


The Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec – LCEEQ is a collaborative professional...

PROCEDE November 29, 2019


PD Mosaic is an online professional development platform curated by the consultants of the...

Jean Bouchard November 29, 2019