PROCEDE Conference 2022
It is with great excitement that the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board asks you...
Short or Long Term Stage
The objective of Short and Long Term Stages is to promote and support partnerships...
Voc Talk Newsletter - February 2022
After last months' monologue about conferences and how they are kind of meh for...
Call for presenters - 2022 QACVE Virtual Conference
The Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education (QACVE) is soliciting your expertise as a...
Voc Talk - January 2022
Conferences. Ah, yes. The modus operandi of professional development in education. Teachers working with the classic...
Voc Talk café by Après-cours
The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat live...
Voc Talk - December 2021 Newsletter
Thank you for all the lovely feedback about the newsletter! I am happy to...
Voc Tech Newsletter - November 2021
Your favourite tech 'n teaching newsletter is back, but bigger and better! It has... is now live! is now live! By registering to this social platform, Quebec Vocational Training stakeholders can share resources...
Career Opportunity - Project Development Officer - Regional SARCA agent - Regional vocational Education sector -Loan of service
The position of SARCA project development officer encompasses, in particular, responsibility for research, analysis...
Career Opportunity - Education Consultant-Regional Vocational Education sector
The position of education consultant encompasses, in particular, responsibility for providing advice and support...
VT Literacy Project
Some learners (adults and young people under 18) who undertake vocational training in English-language...
Training and workshops planning survey - VT
Below is a link to a survey to help plan the training offer for...
Literacy Strategies Special Edition
Reading and writing in education have always been a priority, but they have encountered...
The Hairdressing department of the English Montreal School Board will be hosting two workshops...
Professional Development needs
A few months ago, a teacher mentioned that a classroom management workshop would be...