The Olympiades at ACCESS
On February 16th, students from Automobile Mechanics and Bricklaying participated in the regional tournament....

Open House at HAECC expands horizons for area youth
The staff and faculty at the Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) held...
Experiential Math - February 23, 2023
Experiential Math involves learners being placed at the centre of their own understanding of...

L'Équipe-Choc English Community Newsletter - February 2023
Moving to another country can be a difficult experience, especially if you are moving...

Anglophone Community Expo 2023
The RÉCIT AGE and VT teams invite you the the third annual Anglophone Community Expo. In...
Quebec invests over $80 million in vocational training
The Quebec government will invest $81.3 million between now and 2027 in vocational training...

RÉCIT AGE Newsletter - February 2023
We had the great privilege of going to two very interesting conferences recently and...

RÉCIT-VT February 2023 Newsletter
RÉCIT VT is the anglophone Vocational Training branch of a Quebec wide network focused on...
Math Après-Cours - Wednesday, February 15
A reminder to all Math teachers and professionals for the next Math Après-cours, to...
Drilling industry welcomes five new certified Nunavik workers
Avataa Rouillier Drilling and Kativik Ilisarniliriniq are proud to announce that the first five...
Auto Mechanics Workshop - February 13, 2023
The Automobile Mechanics department of the Laurier Macdonald Career Centre will be hosting a virtual online...

Hats Off To You! Deadline March 3, 2023
The Hats Off to You! contest and its Excellence in Science segment showcase the...

Hairdressing Workshop - February 13, 2023
The Hairdressing department of the English Montreal School Board will be hosting a workshop...

L'équipe-Choc English Community Newsletter - January 2023
Traditionally, around the third week of January, most people have made New Year’s resolutions…...

Awareness Training On Indigenous Realities For School Staff
The Université du Québec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue (UQAT) is giving Piwaseha et Matinamagewin trainings. Below...

Discover jobs with a promising future
There are tons of stimulating jobs in the labour market. And when it comes...